Imbolc 2009

Feb 02, 2009 16:28

If there's one thing I can do, it's pull a ritual out of my butt & do it well.

Not that I had to do that entirely with Imbolc (as it's Irish Celtic Imbolc rite I do most years & that I mostly stole from Stone Creed), but there was quite a bit of last-minute oddball stuff to deal with. For one thing, half the grove is sick so they weren't going to be able to make it. In fact, it ended up being the Sharon & Maggie show entirely, which was not the original plan. It did give me the opportunity to offer some parts to other people at the rite, though, which was cool. It worked out well, too & the new folks seemed very happy & pleased that they could participate so much. Maybe we should do that more regularly. After all, I got to have a speaking role at my very first open circle (eons & ages ago) & that impressed me to no end.

The rite itself went very well over-all, other than some minor glitches- (I forgot an incense burner & someone else forgot the Brighid hoop, but suitable replacements were found; I hadn't edited the ritual outline as well as I could have, etc., but mostly minor stuff. P did mention after that I should stick to my "inside" voice, as I can *really* project my voice when I'm trying (all those years doing theater when I was younger) & it was apparently too loud in the little echoing room we were in. Ooops.

Unfortunately, I seem to have wiped myself out completely & ended up calling in sick today. In fact, I'm going to go back upstairs & lie down for about an hour or so.

brighid, adf, druid, imbolc, snow water

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