Week of the Young

Apr 16, 2010 22:03

Week of the Young Child
April 12-16

According to the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), “The Week of the Young Child is a time to recognize that children's opportunities are our responsibilities, and to recommit ourselves to ensuring that each and every child experiences the type of early environment--at home, at child care, at school, and in the community--that will promote their early learning.” This week is an opportunity to celebrate young children, those that care for and educate them, and their wonderful parents.

Monday April 12th: Crazy Hair Day
During the Week of the Young Child we had a theme for each day. It was exciting to see the babies participate in these events. On Monday we had crazy hair day. Both the staff and students were encouraged to participate. Sophia wore a cool crazy hat for this event. Miss Jennifer and Miss Rachel had cute wigs on that turned heads.

Tuesday April 13th: Friendship Day
Children will enjoy becoming friends with children
from different classrooms.

On Tuesday we had Friendship Day and each of our children wore RED to school.

Wednesday April 14th: Dress Up Day
Calling all princesses and super heroes!
Wednesday was Dress Up Day. We put backwards bibs on our children to look like a cape.

Thursday April 15th: Sensory Day
Children will enjoy exploring hands on activities inside the
classroom and out on the playground!
Thursday was Sensory Day. Our children explored FLOUR and CLAY.

Friday April 16th: Pajama Day
Finally on Friday we had Pajama Day

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