Jun 18, 2011 00:35
30 Days of SuperWho
Day 3: Your Favorite SuperWho ship:
Okay, so this one was actually a bit difficult for me. I had to think about it for quite a while. Finally I decided on Sam Winchester/Martha Jones. I think Martha and Sam (especially later seasons Sam) would be an interesting couple. They are both slightly damaged, they've both saved the world, and no one knows. Martha would fit in really well traveling with both boys and I can completely see her not taking any of Dean's crap and dishing right back at him.
Day 4: Who is your favorite: Harriet Jones or Bobby Singer? Why?
Well, I have to go with Bobby Singer. He's awesome. He's the best example of a father the Winchester's have ever had. He loves those boys and would do anything (including sell his soul) to help them and to save the world. The man overpowered a demon inside of him to save Dean. It doesn't get more awesome that that.