30 Days of SuperWho

Jun 19, 2011 15:17

Time for the next batch of 30 Days of SuperWho.

Day 5: A Song that Reminds you of SuperWho
All These Things That I've Done by The Killers.  It's a great song to describe the troubles that both have gone through in order to save everyone.

Over and in, last call for sin
While everyone's lost, the battle is won
With all these things that I've done

Day 6: Why You are a SuperWhovian:
The answer here is almost simple. I love both shows individually and  I can't help but imagine how amazing they could be together.  The story for both is so beautiful and occasionally heartbreaking that I cannot help but think they'd be interesting together as well.

BONUS Extra Day cause I didn't post yesterday: Day 7: Your Top 5 Episodes (choose from both shows, make one list)

1. The Shakespeare Code (Doctor Who Season 3 Ep. 2)
2. Swan Song (Supernatural Season 5 Ep.22)
3. The Monster at the End of This Book (Supernatural Season 4 Ep. 18)
4. A Good Man Goes to War (Doctor Who Season 6 Ep. 7)
5. Midnight (Doctor Who Season 4 Ep. 10)

So honestly, this was insanely tough.  And if you ask tomorrow this list will probably change,  but for now, it's true.

superwho, 30 days

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