so i don't think i have many readers anymore since this blog has been all but dead for years now, but if there are any of you left, some of you may know that i'm a christian and some of you may be surprised.
i've come a long ways from my high school years where i thought it was my job to save the world, including those with their own set of faith and beliefs that differed from mine. i know really believe in a creator who loves his creation, and he/she/entity reveals himself in the ways we are most receptive -- whether that be through the story of jesus or one i don't know or understand. all i have to know is what faith works for me. and the only person i need to share my faith with is someone who is hurting and looking for an answer and wants to know where my happiness and peace come from. otherwise it's my job to love.
not judge, not condemn, not try to make little lemmings just like me. my job is to love.
with that preface, i want to share a friendly debate i had with my aunt this evening. yes, it's based on christian beliefs, but it's still an interesting and respectful debate that you might enjoy reading just to see a couple of other takes on this spinning world of ours and the faith that different people employ. :)
this discussion started after my telling her of a tragic accident i witnessed my senior year in high school. it was fatal, and i held someone's head together as she took her last breath and then i found my then-boyfriend with his head under the wheel. he was in a coma for three months and then died. all of this under a "covering" of prayer and some of the most faith-filled christians putting up petitions in our corner.
Stacey says
i've had issues with prayer (or certain kinds of prayer) ever since
Sarah says
certain kinds?
Stacey says
yeah. i believe in communicating with God
no issues with that
but i don't understand why anyone thinks we can change God's mind by begging Him. or to think that God didn't realize something was going on and wasn't going to help them until just the right person asked in just the right way
Sarah says
exactly, i've never thought beggin would work.
Stacey says
i have a blog somewhere
i see all these prayer vigils...
and i'm all for spending time in His presence
Sarah says
even though God knows what is going to happen, i think we can change his mind, i know it's somewhere in the bible where that happened
Stacey says
see, i don't know about that. i've looked and looked in the bible
and i don't see how if just the right person asks in just the right way that God changes His mind or plan
and what makes the difference between sue's prayer and sally's prayer and which one will He answer?
Sarah says
God was going to destroy the children of Israel but Moses prayed and God changed His mind
i don't think it has to be the *right* person, i think it can be anyone
Stacey says
well, it must have to be the right person
because of all the things that don't go answered/saved
like asking for traveling mercies
and then good christian people get in accidents and die
or all the thousands that prayed for brian to wake from the coma. but it was his time to go from the earth
or all those who prayed for alan's and my marriage