Holy icons, batman!

May 01, 2007 01:33

Alright, I got antsy last night and, instead of studying censorship and abortion laws like a good little student, I made icons. MST3K icons. Shitty MST3K icons. And seeing as I'm not in any MST3K communities, I'll probably be posting them here solely. FEEL PRIVELEDGED!

First off, Laserblast:


Annnnd The Final Sacrifice (I went a little Rowsdower-crazy):

Aaaaaand I need a life. The last one is definitely my favorite. Not too shabby considering all I have to work with are screencaps from youtube and MS paint. Go me!

In other news: I went to a Mormon wedding (reception since I'm not allowed in the temple) for my friend on Friday... yes, it was indeed scarring. Awkward heathen me + dry wedding + judgemental mormons + a 19-year-old and 23-year-old getting married + punch resembling the blood of a thousand slaughtered carebears = not such good times. Also, that new Drew Barrymoore movie that's coming out (Lucky Me or something) looks HORRIBLE. Like, even the commercials bore me. Finally: watching food network in the middle of the night when you're starving and your on-campus Starbucks is open 24/7 because of exam week is a bad idea. Seriously.

Person of the day: Carson Daly. It takes a lot to suck that badly yet STILL BE ON TV.

Song of the day: "Des Idees" by Karpatt. This is this French band I discovered while trying to find a good CD in that huge-ass record store in the middle of Paris. The name escapes me, seeing as I am le stupid at French and have the memory of a goldfish.

Picture of the day:
I was perusing www.washingtonpost.com and came across this picture *note* the words and circling were made by me:

Um, WHOA. Down in the Basement, anyone??? This of course brought up memories of Stephen and Paul making out, so all was happy in the land of me.

Quote of the Day/Reason #81045084758349 why I need to get out of the South:
*I'm walking on campus and shove my way through a largish group of people*
Random girl with heavy southern accent: Yeah, so he was like, "no, I'm not gonna have sex with you," but then like, two seconds later, he was like, "Oh my Gawd, you are covered in chiggers!"
And then I died a little inside.

attempts at humor, icons, fandom: mst3k, marriage?!?!

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