
Jun 27, 2014 17:03

Originally published at Never a dull moment. Please leave any comments there.

The clock in the room I’m in has stopped. Oddly enough this is a good summation of how I feel right now, paused, waiting for things to happen. For at the moment I’m waiting to hear the news of how a second interview went yesterday. The position is good, the company is good, and I’ve made it through three rounds of interview so far. My skills and experience fit, and I’d love to work for the company. The opportunity will also help the coffers at the misadventurer household. A lot is riding on this, and I feel like the stopped clock, hovering on the edge of potential but not able to move.

For the clock I can at least get off my arse and go wind it. Slot the key into the hole and give the clock a new lease of life for the next few days at least. For me it’s not quite so easy. I can engage in distraction activity like writing, and I have the mini misadventurer keeping me company (he has chicken pox right now, poor spotty man). However frustration seeps in at the seams, I dislike having to wait on external things before I can act. I much prefer to be getting on and doing something (anything!) versus sitting around and waiting for news. I like to know I’m able to make a difference, to act and influence my own fate. Instead I feel like I’m a participant on a ride. I’m watching the various entertain things drift past as I’m directed on rails to the next destination.

I think you get the point, I’m waiting and I don’t like it. In the interim I have read through the rules (again) of a recent board game acquisition, put the pieces of said game into ziploc bags, and now I’m writing this blog. Heck, I’d even go out for a walk if it wasn’t being typical Manchester and raining! At the same time I’m procrastinating, there are several personal projects I need to get a move on with. The most major of which is moving this blog to a different host. A task that is complex, interesting, and will take me the best part of a day. Yet I’m putting it off. Oh fickle nature today your name is Smes!

Truth be told, I’m running low on energy at the moment. Hunting for employment has been tough, and the mini misadventurer has been in a number of misadventures of his own that have needed major input. Firstly we had his investigation of the hot cup of tea resulting in superficial burns and an overnight stay in the hospital. Then we had his encounter with the post viral rash in which he became a walking mass of cheerful tiny lumps and bumps. Most recently has seen him contract chicken pox. Through all of this he’s displayed a very stoic and cheerful nature. Smiling and chatting throughout, only complaining a little bit when things are boring and frustrating him. I could learn a lot from bean, adopting his stoic and cheerful nature. However I think people would become tired of me drooling on them and demanding what they’re eating.

Sometimes I think that I could learn so much from the mini misadventurer. I’ve covered his interacting with the world like a point and click adventure elsewhere. However I could take on board his constant sense of enthusiastic inquisition. Having a view of the world that everything is fascinating and a source of learning and enjoyment is a wonderful attitude to have as an adult. I’ve talking about the sense of cheerful stoicism already, but it’s another great one to have. Taking the things that are thrown at you on the chin with a smile. Just think of what could be accomplished with an attitude like that! When other people in the past have talked about what they learn from their children I must admit to having possessed a certain sense of scepticism. I see now that what I needed to hear was examples and specifics of what they had learned. Observing the mini misadventurer now I can see how much I can learn, how many of his good habits and attitudes I could pick up. So here I am writing about them and sharing them with you all so you don’t have to go through all the messy complications of parenthood to learn them!

Would there be mileage in my setting up a life coaching business with the teachings based upon mini misadventurer’s interactions with the world. I think there probably would be, I can see the rich, famous, or those unsure about life lining up to learn at the feet of a 15 month old. I know I’d probably buy his book if I were in that position anyway! I’ll file it away under my ideas of things to do another time.

In the meantime, I go back to waiting, although I think I’ll go wind the clock whilst I have a moment…

teeny bean, geekdad, news

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