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I think we need a whole new metaphorical language for depression. I mean I’m really bored of talking about the black dog and being under a cloud. Is there not room to talk as if I am engaged in a fight for freedom against the depression alliance? No? How about I wrestle with the tiger of despair instead? How does that work for you? No. Wow, you guys are a tough audience.
What I want to do is to subvert the whole subject. I want to change the words and the metaphors we use to talk about depression. Right now I feel like it has way too much power in a narrative sense. Note that what I’m not doing is taking away what an utter all encompassing thing depression can be. It’s got power I don’t deny it that, but I will sure as hell work to attack its PR department.
Where was I? Oh yes, alternative descriptions for depression, well any mental health issues really. I’ve described my anxiety and paranoia as the brain squirrels before, gnawing away at the metaphorical tree of my self esteem. If depression had to be personified I’m feeling like it would be a sloth (sorry sloth fans). It would be the sloth of meh, clinging on to me and crawling around slowly, descending every so often to deposit piles of sloth poo in my path to walk on. Yeah, the sloth of meh, I like that I might even see if I can knock up something silly in photoshop to print on a t-shirt.
The sloth of meh
To recap then, the sloth of meh has been paying a visit, crawling around, depositing poo, and clinging onto my hands when I’ve wanted to write. He’s an unwelcome house guest and I’ve been doing all I can to gather the energy to run off and leave him behind (for is a he, and I think he’s a Basil, maybe a Bertrand). Regrettably if I stay still for too long he catches up and the next thing I know he’s around my neck again and pooing in my pockets for fun. See how much more fun that is, I’m actually smiling to myself for the first time in a few days at that. Bertrand the sloth of meh cannot hold me, or anyone, back completely!