Jan 25, 2009 16:37
What the fuck are the mother fucking consequences of the choices I make in wording god damn it. Damn this day to hell. Fuck the mothers of the unborn children who turned this heaven into a wasteland. All I want is a little bit of peace and have it all be okay and enough for a day.Fuck. Why is no one panicking but me. Please tell me that everything I am doing is alright. Leave me alone with your bullshit. Let me talk. Let me fucking talk. i need to fucking talk. i need to. I need to.
I want to feel something. I want to feel the pain. I want to feel the sharp pain of loss of hope for what love could have been. Fuck this god damn world and it's fucking inability to understand. Fuck this perception. These eyes are tainted with all the fucking force of the dirt blowing hose. it clogs my veins It clogs my heart. I can love no more. I feel and hear and see the love coming from those people's eyes. I stifle it. I stifle it and push it back like a young female ready to cum. Wanting to come but so unsure about what people will say. i am so unsure about what people will say. My feelings seem inadequate. The seem antique. I don't care if it just takes those special few to correctly interpret the fire from my veins. I try not to make a commotion. My attempts to consider the person are just as inadequate as the fog that hides the true result of these words and gestures.
Oh god, save me from this unending hell, let me find the solace I need in those familiar phrases. Pillage me with idioms and may those old wise sayings fall from the sky. Curse my sensitivity and those sensitivities I cannot understand. I god to go crazy> i learn no more from common threads of thought. The words that do make sense no l;onger have to or serve any god damn motherfucking purpose. I fucking hate this piss shit whore of a planet. May I be struck with lightning and pay for these words as fast as a ruler to the wrist or a lethal dose to the vein.
Fuck death. Fuck life. Fuck innocence. Fuck Vanity and Mother fuck that god damn place we call home. Okay great. You have succesfully stifled it. Have you found peace. No. FUck him. and fuck his mouth.
The world indeed does and does not revolve around me. Why did and did not anybody tell me this or that.
Mother fuck a word salad. Fuck Sugar. Fuck fat. If I truely am no better and no worse please tell me what fucking scale you are putting me up to. I have SUCH a strong hate for all of you. Fuck me. Fuck me. Mother fuck me. I want to fucking die. I want to s-ubconsciously put a fucking arrow through the hearts of all these pissassidiotas in the room with me today. i want to push them until they get fucking angry and it is too much. I want to see the ten year old in all of you whores that is nothing more than a sonofabitch in sheeps clothing.
Mother fuck you asshole. I don't flipping care. I care not. I caren't. Karen't. Yeah. I know what psychosis feels like. I've been there. I know it. I know it I know it. I know again why I was put there. I put me there first. Mother fucking idiots. Hell and Rats and Crooks. I hate this world. what a fucking way to go. I seriously have no patience for ANY of this anymore. Please just put that bullet through the most vulnerable part of me and break it. Break me.
Scream me. Break me. Kill me. Fuck me. Allow me. Humor me. Creep me. Hug me. Kiss me. Fuck me. Feed me. Laugh me. Sex me. Cry me. Hurt me. Bless me. Fist me. Fuck me. Fuck me. Fuck me. Tell me. Me me. What me. This me. Means me. Tell me. Tell me.
I am dead. I am dead. See how I type. See how I type. See how I fuck off. See how I scream. Mother fuck a fucking fuuck mother fuck a fucking fuuuck. I. AM. DEAD.
Yeah man thanks for reading.
real sadness,