Aug 16, 2009 18:55
Wowza it's been a while. To be honest though I kind of try to avoid LJ. I feel like every time I post an update or write an entry it's not too long after that that something bad usually happens. If I write how happy I am and how awesome life is, the next day everyone hates me and life is sucky. I jinx myself. LiveJournal curses me.
I know it sounds lame because inevitably bad shit happens anyway, but...I'm a bit superstitious. I'm even nervous writing this. It's just been so long and since I don't keep a paper journal anymore I'd like to have something, somewhere, documented about my life. Even if it's a life only I care to look back on.
Anyways, updates!! So, I'm 33 weeks along now. Isn't that nuts?! He moves around and kicks me all day and night. It's fantastic. Everything else sucks when it comes to pregnancy though. I wish I could lie and say it's all awesome and I have no complaints but, er, no. I can't say that because it'd be a big fat-ass lie.
I'm up 30 lbs. Now, you all can say,"But you're pregnant. You're supposed to gain weight." Blahblahblah. But, my belly isn't the only thing that has grown, oh no. My ass is bigger, my sides are bigger, my thighs have never been so friggin huge. My ankles and my face and even my fingers are swollen. I have cankles. :( My face constantly looks tired and splotchy, even if I manage to get a whole 4 straight hours of sleep in before I have to get up and pee for the third time that night. Makeup does not help. Vitamins do not help. Nothing helps take away that look of fat girl crack-whoreness that I have become accustomed to.
The worst part now, besides all the above, is that I am constantly uncomfortable. My body aches in one spot or another all day long. Laying down sucks, walking sucks, even breathing has become a chore. The summer humidity and heat is the absolute worst. I need the AC down to 60 in order to just be ok. Ugh.
The pregnancy and my little baby, in my eyes, are two seperate things entirely. Once I feel him moving around everything is zen, even for a few minutes. It's great. I still do wish it was October already though. I can't wait to meet him. I think about it every day. I love him so much. I just know this little person is going to be so amazing and special and I feel lucky that I get to know him and have him in my life.