May 29, 2009 16:43
I'm moving this weekend!! FINALLY I'm moving! Into my OWN place! I get to decorate how I want, and listen to music and movies as loud as I want, and I get to walk around naked and have nobody say a goddamn thing about it! It's going to be so awesome! I won't feel confined to one tiny little bedroom anymore. I'll get a whole fridge to fill with MY food! I'll get to take bubble baths without the constant fear of wondering when the hell the tub was last cleaned (never). I'm getting plants! And painting the walls pretty colors! And I have a yard for a garden!!! Omg omg I'm so excited!!
The only sucky thing is that I won't get to move or lift things much because of little Covie. I'm going to hate sitting back and not getting to help as much as I'd like to. But, I guess I'll just deal with the little things, like books and lamps and stuff.
Anyways, what else? Have I mentioned how incredible it feels when a baby is kicking and moving inside of you?? It's amazing. I wish he'd come out already though. Time feels like it's moving so slow. It'll be nice to start decorating his room and buying more baby stuff. I couldn't really buy a whole lot here since I didn't have the room for it. I've gotten a nice little stack of baby clothes though. Have I mentioned how hideous baby boy clothes are?? I've gotten a few things with ruffles of it. I'm just sayin'. Boy or not I can't put my kid in anything with baseballs or airplanes on it.
I need to bloody take pics of me and the belly. I haven't really been taking much and I know I'm going to regret it down the road. There just isn't good space here to even take photos. So that's another thing I'm going to be doing alot of. Yayy.
Alsooo, I'm planning a load of things to do with/to the belly for memories sake. For instance, I have a photography session with this amazing artist next month. We're going to be doing a full body painting session and then a photo session. I'm PSYCHED. Although, I'm a tad bit nervous to get naked in front of a guy that paints nothing but beautiful tiny woman all day only to have me come in with my giant pregnancy boobs, and butt, and waist. Everything seems to have grown on me and I'm a tad bit self conscious about it when it comes to being nude in front of this new man/person. But I know it'll be worth it and I'll regret it if I don't go.
I'm also planning on doing a belly cast with the intention of hopefully turning it into a sculpture bowl. I'm not really sure how to go from a cast to a sculpture though, that'll take some research I suppose.:)
Lastly, or until I thing of more ideas, I'd like to do a henna session to the belly as well. Hopefully I'll get to go to at least one festival this summer, and I'd like to have it done around that time.
Speaking of creative endeveurs, I have recently repainted my entire bike a shocking bright green color and then added LOADS or green glitter paint. So if you see a pregnant chick on a green glitter bike riding 'round Minneapolis it's moi.:D It seems to be a big hit. Most people I pass love it and say so. I'm also in the process of adding a bubble machine to the back end of it, and possibly adding a bit of pink to the tires. It's a fun bike and I love riding it even more now. I'll post pics of it soon enough. Promise promise.:D
Oh, and I've been dumpster diving alot lately too. Although I never really eat the food I find. Eh. But, I do find some great household stuff and stuff I use for craft projects which makes it all so worth it.:)
Did you know that stuff from the dollar store is literally only ONE dollar. Fuck yeah. I bought some cleaning supplies there today and totally scored. Who knew?! Lol :D