Oct 28, 2021 22:27
I got nothing. I played with my new laminator at work today. Started a new staff, showed her around walked her through basic set up, still need to cover some of the ground rules, no one-on-one, no using food as reward or punishment, no holding doors to the outside open for strangers, etc.
That’s really the gist of the day. Still so much to do, before the tadpole gets her. Molly’s boss texted me today to tell me that everyone things tadpole is gonna be born tonight, but we’ve made it so far without her making her grand entrance out of Molly’s grand opening. Though yesterday on the couch her mucus plug did come unplugged, but that could still give us a week for her to be born.
Molly and I watched soy kids 3 tonight, not as good as I remember (though the other two may have been better than I remember). Matty really liked soy kids as a kid so we went to see the third one in theaters in 3-D. Without the the 3-D goggles the effects were pretty hokey. Still cheesey fun, we may attempt spy kids 4 tomorrow though neither of us has ever seen it. Maybe I’ll see if Molly wants to watch dusk til dawn this weekend to keep up our Robert Rodriguez streak and transition to more halloweenier fare.