Drama Classes - Don't be retards

Jul 09, 2008 01:07



*takes his attendance*

First of all, I'd like to THANK ALL OF YOU who actually showed up last week to claim their Waluiigi fits. To the rest of you...well too bad, you missed out on you well beings, you piece of fat-lazy lard pieces.

Being that I teach two courses, I thought I'd vent my frustrations on all of you by showing you what I sometimes had to put up with when I was traveling with the troop.

Today we'll be look at a couple of videos of what I'd consider some of the worst examples of acting. The objective of this class is to learn what not to do, so when you do it, I can laugh at you without feeling a single smige of guilt. Because this is how some of you handled your SPAMALOT auditions. I mean...holy crap, I was really embarrassed. Laughing, but...who the hell am I kidding, I just laughed all the time. ANYWAY.

*Pulls out Youtube a DVD and puts it into the TV*

Okay, first off, a small compilation of the most retarded moments in movies.

See all that? Retarded. Completely Retarded. First of all, why the hell would anyone hire a white ninja to do anything? Ninja's are supposed to wear black, white clashes with PRETTY MUCH EVERYTHING plus gets you completely dirty when you're out killing your enemies and slashing people in half.

Okay, now here's something that's VERY horrible. Like, you might get nightmares about this. Just don't stare at it for too long, it will suck all the acting out of you forever. FOREVER.

So that's what happens when you don't listen to your drama teacher. You end up like those guys, dressed in a ridiculous costume. Drama isn't just about being someone else, it's BECOMING that character. Without wooden acting. Actually..you know what, I think you guys need to see an example of what I', talking about.

Now ladies, keep those waterworks in touch and take out your tissues, because what I'm about to show you is the most badass of hardass acting scenes in a comedy show ever. I'm talking genuine acting here, nothing but the best of that hard manly love. I admit it, I cried the first time I watched it too. Remember kids, this school might have drama, but when a clown cries, it's SERIOUS BUSINESS.

Any questions?

daisy (mario), zelda (zelda), nyx/gengar (pokemon), # drama, waluigi (mario), !class log

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