SumaBuraCafe Chat Log 7/07/08 Part One of Three

Jul 09, 2008 04:51

Ffffff This is super late. Totally my fault guys, I'm sorry |||orz Getting part one up so you can at least read that. 2 and 3 following shortly. You can beat me up all you want in the chat later orz.

Characters: G&W, Fox, Linebeck, Chansey, Kazooie, Banjo, Gruntilda, Jolteon, Surge, Otacon, Oak, Falcon, Jeff, Ness, Yoshi, Guy, Makar, Arcanine, Vulpix, Daisy
What: Your weekly cafe shenanigans! Cafe destruction is imminent.
Where: Sumabura Cafe
When: 7/07/2008
Rating: PG-13. Destruction and mayhem and who knows what else.

G&W: *rings bell* The cafe is now open!
Linebeck: *mutters something about sore backs and saunters in* 'Lo Mr. G/W.
Chansey: Hello, Prof. G&W~
Kazooie: *waiting outside for Banjo*
G&W: Hello Linebeck, beep
Surge: *sits down at cashier seat* Yo, G&W!
Chansey: *adjusts her apron on uniform*
Cane: Hay guys. I'm ready for some waiter-ing!
Oak; -walks in casually, still wearing his fancy shades-
Linebeck: *sits on a random table*
Vulpix: ^__^- I'll do my best, Sir! ♥
Jolt: *walks in, a little awkward* So...this is the cafe? Hm.
Banjo: *rushes from dorm building* Oh god gonna be late gonna be late! *runs faster*
Linebeck: *notices new teachers around* *but otherwise is indifferent to surroundings*
Kazooie: I better not be made fun of for this... *adjusts beatnik beret*
Grunty: *walking into cafe* What's birdfeet doing here!?
Guy: *walks in, rubbing a particularly painful sparring bruise* Ow...
G&W: *looking around for menus*
Otacon: *peeks in, a tiny bit nervous about being there*
Oak: -removes his shades and smiles- Ahh! This is the cafe, how fun~
Kazooie: Winkybunion.... >(
Cane: Does anyone need help yet? :'D
Linebeck: *notices Otacon thought from that shopping incident* Oh hallo, Otaykon. *waves*
Chansey: Hello! Welcome to the cafe. =)
Ness: *slips inside, sheepish about being late and makes for the kitchen to grab his apron and such*
Grunty: You stay out of my way tonight you got that clear?
Banjo: *Skids to a halt inches from the door* ..I think I'm not late. =D
Kazooie: How about YOU stay out of mine! I've got some plans tonight! o/`
Grunty: I picked a wrong day to stop by...
G&W: *pops up behind Ness* Welcome Ness! I hope to see some fine cooking today.
Vulpix: Ooh, Cane-kun, you're being a waiter today? ^-^ That's neat.
Jeff: *Has totally been here the whole time, in the back, adjusting his STYLISH~ waiter bowtie*
Kazooie: *sees Banjo, grabs him by the arm and drags him inside the cafe, shoving past Gruntilda*
Ness: *flinch, stops in his tracks and wheels around* A-ah! Hi Mr. Game and Watch, sorry I'm late! Yeah, I'll definitely give it my best!
Otacon: *waves to Linebeck* Hi! *notices Prof Oak as well* Oh hello Professor! I almost didn't recognize you because of your shades.
Cane: *to Vulpix* AAAah yeah well its kinda weird actually.
Banjo: *dragged* K-Kaz! I can walk myself..
G&W: No worries, beep. *goes around to tables and passes out menus*
Grunty: *pushed* WATCH IT! What's the big deal!?
Surge *notices Oak*: Wait a minute... is that Prof. Oak? Damn, didn't know he was here...
Jolt: *glances around* Guy! Hey! *waves* Over here!
Grunty: *Storms inside pissed off*
Linebeck: *recieves menu and reads shortly before putting it down* (@Ota) Say, why dontcha sit here?
Vulpix: *giggle* I didn't think I'd see you being a waiter, but that uniform looks good on you! :o This is my second time being a waitress. ^o^
Kazooie: Looks like we got company, Banjo! *points to Gruntilda*
Banjo: Erk! Uhh..well, let's hope nothing TOO bad happens..
Ness: *zips into the kitchen, pokes head out and whispers to Jeff* Hey Jeff, nice getup! *grin~*
Jeff: *Grins at Ness* I didn't know you could cook. Or is gourmet trash on the menu tonight?
G&W: *goes to the back to the sound system and plays 'Mother 2' from Melee for the cafe*
Cane: You'd probably be better at it than me, you're so nice. :'D I've heard all kinds of stories about how exciting this place gets. And crowded.
Guy: *spots Jolteon* Oh, hey! *walks over to Jolt* I didn't know you were coming. *sits down at a nearby table*
Grunty: *To Banjo and Kazooie* I've got my eye on you two...
Kazooie: *leers at Grunty and stops at a table, letting Banjo go and dusting off her dark blue dress*
Oak: -slips his shades away and grins- Ahh! Otacon, nice to see you? -blinks- Really? Hah.
Chansey: Hi, Cane-kun, Vulpix-chi~ How are you two? I didn't know you two were working tonight.
Grunty: I can't let this screw up my day off, if it's the last thing I do!
Jolt: Yeah, I managed to get off work at Panera this week. *sits next to Guy* So this is my first week at the cafe!
Cane: Haaaay Chansey!
Ness: *glances up, grin widens at the song selection* C'mon Jeff, you know I have more sense than that. *lowers voice* Not until the ingredients run out anyway.
Linebeck: *notices Oak* Oh? Hallo there. What's your name?
Vulpix: [@ Cane] Oh yes, it does~ It was pretty busy the last time I did it!
Otacon: *smiles* Sure, why not! (@Oak) Would you like to come to the table too? I've got some questions to ask about Pokemon, if you don't mind.
Banjo: *dusts off his clothes from running and takes a deep breath* U-uh, you look really pretty Kaz.
Vulpix: Chansey-tan~! You're working here tonight~? The uniform looks so good on you~ *A*;;
Cane: You both look good in the uniform, in my opinion.
Kazooie: Thanks. *trying not to look cheezy/flattered*
Chansey: [@Cane] By the way, is it alright if I borrow the book? I haven't checked my messages on the journals for a while.
Jeff: *Can't help but feel there's something familiar about the song selection~* Well, let's hope there's plenty of stuff to cook with, then. I, uh... I guess I should take orders. I'll be back.
Vulpix: [@ Cane] Oh, thank you! ^o^-
Oak: -nods and walks over, taking a seat at the nearest chair at the table- I'm Professor Samuel Oak. -grins and nods- Sure sure~ Go ahead! I will answer them as much as I possibly can! 8D
Yoshi: *dashes in* Yoshi is late! *makes mad dash for the kitchen*
Chansey: [@Pix/Cane] Thanks! The uniforms look great on the both of you as well.
Ness: *thumbs-up* I'll be waiting! *dips back in*
Linebeck: *smirk/smiles* Oak eh? You're welcome to sit here...har har. Name's Linebeck.
Banjo: Sorry I look so messy. I was running here 'cause I thought I was gonna be late..I was sleeping, and know how hard it is for me to wake up. *nervous chuckle*
Cane: [@Chansey] Oh shoot the book. I'll give it to you sometime during the week I guess, I don't have it with me.
Linebeck: *hears Pokemon and perks up* Pokeymons, eh? I'll like to listen in Mr. Oak.
Guy: Mine too. I hear lots of people gossiping about the cafe every time they put it on, and I haven't really done much yet, so I thought I'd join in to see what happens. *smiles*
kynimtrainer: I'd*
Chansey: [@cane] Hehe, it's okay. You can give it to me whenever you get the chance to. =)
Yoshi: Mr. Game & Watch! Yoshi is here reporting for duty!
Surge *also hears Oak talkin' about Pokemon*: Hm... might as well... Not much for me to do anyway... *wanders over to Linebeck, Oak, Otacon table*
Kazooie: [@banjo] I actually expected you to be an hour late! I really did!
Otacon: *grabs menu* Oh my goodness, scones! I haven't eaten those in such a long time!
Linebeck: *waves at Surge* Hallo Mr. Surge. How are ye?
Cane: Lol right. Okay Chansey~
Kazooie: Let's sit down and order something before Grunty's stench spoils all the food!
Vulpix: Oh, we should get to work, ne?
Surge: Not too shabby... Actually workin' here as cashier, as lame as that sounds...
Linebeck: *tosses Surge the menu Linebeck had read earlier*
Banjo: Guh-huh! I'm already sitting Kaz. You're the one standing.
Cane: W-work? Right.
Chansey: Yup! We sure should.
Grunty: *To Kazooie* *bangs table* SAY THAT TO MY FACE!
Jolt: *nods* I gotcha. Hey, isn't that Cane over there?
Linebeck: Oh? How interesting...
Vulpix: Let's do our best~ ♥
G&W: *to Surge* A fine person such as yourself would do great to guard the money, beep
Jolt: I was supposed to go running with him sometime soon.
Jeff: *Heads out into the cafe, fidgeting with his glasses. He decides to head over to Otacon's table, because he's least intimidating and also NERD MAGNETISM.*
Oak: Oh, please. Sam works just fine, Linebeck~ -notices Surge and grins- Wow! Lt. Surge? I've heard we've gotten a few gym leaders here, but I'd never expect you~ -looks down and looks over his menu thoughtfully-
Surge (@ GW): I got my eye on it!
Cane: *sees Jolt* Haaaaay Sparky!
Chansey: Good luck to you both!
Cane: Do you need anything?
Kazooie:............. *plops down and looks Grunty in the face* I SAID WE'RE GONNA ORDER SOMETHING BEFORE YOUR BIG FAT STINK SPOILS THE FOOD! :D
Guy: Cane? *sees Arcanine* Oh. I don't know all the nicknames like you do. *sighs*
Yoshi: Mr. Game & Watch! What should Yoshi do first?
Surge *huffs*: Well, seems like I won't be able to enjoy your company that long after all... *drops menu on table and wanders back to cashier area*
Chansey: *goes to table with professors discussing Pkmn* Good evening, do you guys know what you want to order?
Linebeck: Okay..Sam. *lazily signals for Jeff* Hello Jeff, I'd like to order something.
G&W: *to Yoshi* Prepare some food in advance, beep
Yoshi: Yoshi will do!
Cane: *to Guy* Aha well you can call me Arcanine if you want to, I guess.
Yoshi: Yoshi is excited to make yummy things! *gets to work*
Banjo: [@Kazooie] Y'know, if you pester her, things are just gonna turn out bad..
Jolt: *grins goofily* Hey man. Sorry, I didn't realize you two didn't know one another. Durr.
Oak: -looks up and smiles- I'm ready to order too~
Jeff: Oh, y-yes sir! What can I get you two, then?
Grunty: *To Kazooie* You want your face brunt off or do you want to keep it in place? :-D
Ness: *tieing up his apron* Oh, hey... *think* Yoshi! Are you the other cook? *watches him get to work, so it would seeem* HAha guess that answers my question. *also starts firing things up*
Cane: Well Anyway~ Do you two need anything?
Guy: [@Cane] N-no! I just didn't know you, I'll try to remember.
Cane: I am kinda supposed to be waiter-ing
Linebeck: I'd like tea and a blueberry scone. Oh and Jeff, make sure to hand in your problem set next class...I'm sure you'll do better than before that...D...har har...
Yoshi: Hello red hat boy! :D
Kazooie: [@banjo] you're no fun! *blows a raspberry at Grunty and looks at the menu*
Jolt: [@Cane] Oh! You're working! Uh, could I get a soda?
Oak: Tea and a few scones for me, I'd like a variety of them, if possible~
Guy: *picks up a menu* Um... two cheesecakes. You like cheesecake, right, Jolteon?
Otacon (@Jeff) I'm also ready, sorry about that! I wasn't really not sure what to try!
G&W: *to Surge* I will be in the back, beep. Call me if something goes wrong. *goes to the back to juggle. Music changes to 'Road to Viridian City' from Brawl*
Ness: *laughs* This'll be fun. *rite mom, time to make you and your steaks proud*
Grunty: .....*Blasts table to pieces*
Cane: Two cheesecakes and a soda? :'D
Jeff: ...! Th-that was...! *Grumbles and sides his glasses up, mumbling.* Yes, sir... *jots down both orders, then glances to Otacon* Would you like more time, then?
Jolt: Oh, for sure! You don't have to pay...well, then two sodas. Have you had soda yet, Guy?
Chansey: Does... someone need a waitress?
Surge: *watched GW walk off* ... I'll give him five minutes before I talk to others... Man, this job is BORING...
Linebeck: *is snickering a little w/o Jeff noticing, srsly*
Banjo: *falls off chair* HEY!! D<
Otacon: (@jeff, smiling) I'd like two scones and a medium tea, please.
Grunty: *Witchy cackle* Next time don't mess with me you BRAT!
Otacon: Oh wait, it said 3 I'll have three then (I'll keep one for Snake)
Kazooie: Good thing this dress was designer or it would have been ruined right now!
Guy: [@Jolt] Sacaens always pay. *smiles* And no, I haven't. Am I missing out?
Cane: So two sodas?? :''''D
Surge *retuns to Oak, Otacon, Linebeck table*: Heh, sorry 'bout that. GW is a slave driver...
G&W: *juggling in the back with the slight foreboding of someone ignoring duties*
Jolt: [@Guy] Well, how about this--you cover the cake, I'll cover the soda so you can try it. Sound good?
Otacon: (@ the other teachers, clearly worried) Um...I think one of the tables just exploded over there.
Kazooie: *stands up* come, Banjo! We need another table!
Grunty: Sorry Banjo should have looked where you sat! Ehahahahahahaha!!
Ness: *is totally making up some cheese keeki because he anticipates it being a popular item*
Linebeck: (@Surge) Hmm. G/W is more of a strict manager than slave driver, Surge. *murmurs indifferently despite table explosion...since he was here before*
Jolt: [@Cane] Just a moment dude.
Guy: [@Jolt] ...Well, fine. But I tried.
Fox: *walks in* This place fills up fast. What's with the music? *finds it a little uppity*
Oak: Oh? -blinks- I didn't notice anything.
Banjo: *stands back up, mildly pissed off* Yeah, let's go.
Cane: Kay, right. I'll be right back with those~
Ness: *following the recipe that is HOPEFULLY provided very carefully*
Fox: *takes a table and leans back his chair a little*
Jeff: All right. I'll be right back, then! *Scoots off to the kitchen* Those scones are pretty popular... I'll need nine of those, uh, at least three blueberry... and three cups of tea.
Linebeck: (@Oak) It happens often. You get used to it Sam...harharhar.
Jolt: [@Cane] Alright. Two sodas on my tab, two cheesecake slices on Guy's.
Yoshi: *stirring some ingredients* ^_^
Chansey: [@Surge] *places a hand on the back of his chair* Hello, Lieutenant. Would you like something to drink?
Surge: Yeah, well, call it whatever ya want. *doesn't really notice explosions*
Grunty: I sure showed those two who's best! *.............weight breaks seat*
G&W: *tosses a ball at the sound system which makes the music switch to Route 209 from Brawl*
Cane: *runs into the kitchen* Are there any cheesecakes? I need two~
Kazooie: *points and laughs at Grunty*
Vulpix: :o This music sounds familiar...
Vulpix: *spots Fox* Ah!
Otacon: (@ Linebeck) ...Oh I guess that makes sense. (oh man, I hope I don't regret coming here)
Oak: @Linebeck) Mm, okay then! @Ota) So, what questions did you have for me, Otacon?
Banjo: *hides his laughter behind hand* Pfffttt...
Fox: ? Oh! *ear flicks* Hi Vulpix! *wavewave*
Vulpix: *comes over right away~* #^-^# Hi~
Ness: Almost ready! Wow, nine scones? *pulls cheesecakes out of the oven* Jeez, this place is a lot busier than I thought it'd be.
Fox: Hello Vulpix! How are you today? *grins*
Yoshi: *making scones* Scones are yummy!
Jeff: Is it the first time you've been here? Just be happy you're protected by the kitchen. Things tend to explode out there.
Kazooie: Or a hot waiter?
Grunty: TAKE THIS! *Performs a larger magic blast, this time settign a few tables on fire*
Linebeck: These kids get quite rambuctious so might as well get used to it. hmmm.
Cane: *sees cheesecakes* Ah, thanks Ness! I'll just get the sodas and take those back to Sparky.
Yoshi: Yoshi hear loud noise outside! o.o
Cane: Fire, cool!
Ness: Yeah, I just hope things don't end up exploding back here too. *grins and hands the cheesecakes to Cane*
Kazooie: Burn, baby, burn!
Surge *glancing around*: (@ Linebeck) Is it always like this? Heh, maybe I should come more often...
Vulpix: *giggles* I'm fine, thank you. And how are you, Fox-kun?
Jolt: *yelps as his table catches on fire, responds by letting loose a Thunder attack at another, nearby empty table in alarm* Guy! Look out!
Otacon: (@Oak) Oh! *takes out his pokedex* I think the power supply ran out because it stopped working this afternoon (and I was about to scan a student too.)
Jeff: That depends on how well you cook. *Grins back*
Banjo: *ducks, sits back up and growls at the back of his throat*
Surge: ...! *glances at Jolt* Was that a Thunder attack?
Fox: Another nice day I guess, nothing special really. *casual shrug* May I have a soda?
Otacon: (@Oak) Normally, I'd try to fix it myself, but I thought I should let you look at it first, since you're here.
Cane: *takes the cheesecakes and heads back outside* Haaaay Sparky I got yer food! *sees his table on fire* Oh wow.
Grunty: *To Banjo* Awwwww, the little cowardly doofus is afraid of a little fire?
Yoshi: *finishes scones* Scones are ready!
Guy: Argh! *smacks the fire on their table, trying to smother it*
Linebeck: Pokewha-? I've had my share of meetin' those Pokeymon students... *looks over at Pokedex*
Jolt: *looks in the direction of Surge, then turns attention to Arcanine* [@Cane] Egh, yeah...uh, I think Guy and I are gonna move tabes...over here... C'mon guy. Thanks, Cane.
Yoshi: *starts working on other random pastries*
Banjo: [@Grunty] I think you're confusing afraid with getting majorly pissed off.
Ness: *brewing up some tea while Yoshi handles the scones, hearing the explosions* ...I think your position might end up more like a bouncer than anything else. ;
Kazooie: This feels like the good old days, Doesn't it, Banjo? :D
Cane: Ahaha. *places the food on Jolteon's new table* I'll go grab a fire extinguisher.. or something.
Linebeck: Most work harder than those other slackers...*mutters*
Surge *walks over to Jolt's table*: Hey, uh... This may sound strange but... you wouldn't happen to be a pokemon, would ya?
Jolt: Thanks, Cane!
Vulpix: Aha~ Just as I expected, Fox-kun~ One soda... *scribbles it down on a very cute notepad* Anything else? :o
G&W: *kicks sound system, changing the music to 'Ai no Uta'*
Guy: *stops smacking the table, and notices his charred sleeve* [@Jolt] Um. I think so. *follows Jolt*
Grunty: Ooooooooh such strong words I'm shaking!...No I'm being a liar! *cackle*
Fox: Nah I'm good right now! Thanks, Pix
Jolt: *looks up, startled* [@Surge] Uhhhh.... Yeah. I'm Jolteon. You look familiar, sir.
Kazooie: At least she ain't coughing up those dumb rhymes!
Surge (@ Jolt): A Jolteon! No wonder! Ha ha, I'm Lt. Surge, gym leader of Vermillion. That was a Thunder attack ya used before, wasn't it?
Linebeck: (@Oak) Had met a kid named Um. Manafi...ah damn. I already forgot his name...
Jeff: Bouncer, huh? I should do some bodybuilding if I'm going to end up working like this. Heheh.
Yoshi: *icing some cupcakes* ^_^
Kazooie: Maybe I'll be mildly nice to her tonight. NOW WHERE'S MY WAITRESS?
Vulpix: Okay! :o No problem~ I'll be back in a sec!
Cane: *puts out the last of the fires* Geeez this place is already pretty crazy.
Guy: *about to take a bite of the cheesecake, before noticing the imposing Surge* [@Jolt] Y-you know lots of people, don't you?
Ness: *hands teas to Jeff* Haha, maybe that'd be for the best, especially if you want to get in on the sparring scene.
Yoshi: *is also oblivious to the chaos outside* ^_^
Banjo:[@Kazooie] That seems to be one thing that's changed, but it's still same old Grunty otherwise..*sits back down and takes deep breaths, trying to calm down*
Jolt: *blushes* [@Surge] Uh, yeah. Guess I was a little startled--a gym leader! Wow... [@Guy] Well, I don't really know him...
Vulpix: *passes Cane* o__o;; ... Fire? Did you do that?
Grunty: Shows what you know you airhead! I'm been rhyming this whole time just read the whole thread! (Lol 4th wall)
Jeff: Yeah, considering everyone here must have built up an immunity to explosives right now. *Laughs and puts the tea and scones on a tray.* I'll be back again~
Surge *nods at Guy*: Nah, don't know each other... *sits down at table* But I could just TELL he was an electric pokemon. Call it a hunch or something.
Cane: [@ Vulpix] Psh naaaw. I think it was sparky or something, it was on his table.
Cane: I was back in the kitchen
Fox: *looks at the fire* //Too many people use fire around here >_> I'm surprised the whole place didn't burn down//
Kazooie: yeah. uhuh. uhuh. WAIIIITRESSSSSSS?
Chansey: [@Kaz] Yes? How can i help you?
Guy: [@Surge] ...He shot a thunderbolt at a table.
Ness: *snorts in agreement and starts making more scones just incase*
Jolt: A...hunch. Yeah, that was kinda obvious. What can I say, I was startled! My table caught on fire!
Vulpix: I see... ^^; Sorry.
Cane: Ahaha. Thats okay.
Yoshi: *drawing smiley faces on cupcakes with icing* ^_^
Surge: Fine, fine, so maybe more than a hunch. *waves it off* But what's a jolteon doin' at SumaBura?
Banjo: *reads menu* Scones..err..that MIGHT'VE caused last time's problem..
Grunty: *To Kazooie* Oh sure stuff your face you, you're such a twig it wouldn't kill to gain a pound or two.
Linebeck (@Surge): Lots of Pokeymons come here from goddessknowswhat reasons.
Cane: HAY! Does anyone else need a waiter?
Ness: *glances over as he makes the dough and smiles at the happy little patterns yay*
Kazooie: *gets up and spanks her butt towards Grunty, then sits back down*
Vulpix: Well~ must get back to getting that soda~ *trots off to get one 8D*
Jolt: *darkens* Long story. *mutters* You should know about Cinnibar Island...
Jeff: *Sets tea and scones in front of Oak, Otacon and Linebeck.* Here you go. Um, enjoy.
Guy: *takes a sip of his soda while Surge and Jolteon chat, listening intently*
Banjo: *slight jump* K-Kaz!! We're in public..
Otacon (@Linebeck, completely clueless, since he's been here only one week): Maybe they just want to learn in this fine establishment?
Surge: ... Cinnibar? ... Geez, yeah... That's... nothing something ya need to explain to me...
Linebeck: Thankee, Jeff. *smirk/smiles*
Grunty: *Shakes fist at Kazooie* This cafe will burn to the ground if you keep it up!
Chansey: [@Kaz] Um... Did you need anything? (was that even necessary>-)
midnitepsych: *not something
Ness: Huh, I wonder if people like other-fruit scones...what do you think, Yoshi?
Jolt: [@Guy] Hey, do you like that soda?! *desperate to get off the topic*
Linebeck: (@Otacon) Perhaps. This kid I met before coming back from vacation was a Pokeymon too.
Otacon: (@Jeff) *smiles* Thank you very much Jeff! It is nice to finally meet you!
Cane: *stares at Grunty* She looks mad...
Kazooie: yeah yah, Banjo. [@Chansey] I want half a dozen cupcakes and some sparking pop!
Chansey: [@Kaz] Sure thing! Coming right up~
Yoshi: Yoshi think so! We make some?
Surge *notices change of subject*: Hahah, well, I'll let ya kids have your fun then. *returns to teacher's table, but still keeps an eye on Jolt*
Ness: Sure! Might as well! *rummages around in the fridge* Probably something small like raspberries...
Linebeck: Found a familar friend eh, Surge?
Guy: [@Jolt] Yeah! It's really good. I don't think I've ever had a drink this... energizing. What's in it? *starts drinking it a little faster*
Surge: Heh, ya could say that... I miss anything interesting?
Banjo: *unsure if anything on the menu will cause what happened last time or not to happen again* Maybe I just won't order anything today..
Jeff: Oh, right! Dr. Em-- uh... Otacon, right? A pleasure, sir! *moe waiter bow~*
Jolt: *nods back to Surge nervously, very aware of the eyes remaining on him* [@Guy] Wh-what? Oh, it's like...flavorings and carbonation--you know, like sparkling water?
Grunty: ...I'd ask for a waiter but I think I'm stuck in this chair....What is up!? (...Couldn't think of a rhyme for 'up'...)
Linebeck: *sips tea* (@ Surge) Nothin' much.
Chansey: *goes to kitchen* I need half a dozen cupcakes and a soda, please.
Yoshi: Oooh! Raspberries, and blueberries, and blackberries, and... *rattles off big list of fruits*
G&W: *kicks sound system, the music changes to 'Delfino Plaza'*
Otacon (@Jeff): Um *embarrassed* Please call me just Otacon, I don't like being called a doctor very much.
Vulpix: *comes back with a soda and straw on a tray and places them on Fox's table* Here you are, Fox-kun~
Cane: *walks over to Grunty* Would you... like help with that? :'D
Yoshi: [@ Chansey] Yoshi made some cupcakes! *points to smiley cupcakes*
Kazooie: Why aren't you ordering, Banjo?
Fox: Thanks Vulpix! *flips a quarter to her with a wink*
Yoshi: Yoshi will get soda ready too!
Grunty: What are YOU lookin' at dogboy!?
Banjo: [@Kazooie] Uh! Well, uhm...last time I was here, I blacked out after eating something and well..I don't wanna risk something like that again.
Jeff: Y-yeah, sorry. Kind of a habit. *Grins sheepishly and rubs the back of his head.* Can I, uh... get you anything else?
Chansey: [@Kaz] *gets the order somehow and returns to the table* Here you go, Kaz-senpai.
Ness: Haha, yeah, like that! Though probably seperately, of course. *digs out the little containers of fruits in question*
Linebeck: *takes out his math research paper and starts to revise things while sipping on tea*
Guy: [@Jolt] ...No. *takes a bite of the cheesecake, feeling pretty stupid*
Otacon: (@Jeff) No thank you, I think I'll be fine. I won't hold you back on your duties, but, perhaps we can talk later?
Yoshi: Hooray!
Cane: *laughs* I dunno, you're kinda stuck in that chair~
Surge *watches over Linebeck's shoulder*: Ah... you the math teacher or somethin'?
Banjo: IT'S NOT KAZ! It just..didn't agree with me..I think.
Grunty: *Attempts to free herself from small chair but tips over, causing the ground to rumble*
Chansey: [@Kaz] *sweat drop* No, I can assure you the food is safe...
Linebeck: (@Surge) Yes, I am Surge. Wot's yer teaching position, may I ask?
TakeMeToPizzaHut: The food gives you bad gas?
Vulpix: *blushes and catches the quarter before pocketing it* Thank you, Fox-kun~ *nods politely*
Ness: --err. *raspberries first and sets them to bake, then sets about pouring soda for later*
Surge: Heh, guess that mean ya must be one of those smart guys. Me? I teach Military Protocol...
Fox: No problem *takes a sip* Lemme know when things are less busy, we can have a little talk if you want
Jeff: Of course, sir! *Gives a small wave and starts to head off, but almost loses his balance during Gruntyquake*
Yoshi: *making scones~* ^_^
Cane: [@ Grunty] Wow... you shook the whole Cafe!
Banjo: [@Kazooie] I didn't say THAT. >__>;; It just..did something weird to my head. Bottles said something happened and well..
Jolt: [@Guy] Well, um... *nibbles own cheesecake* Uh, like... water with bubbles in it. Lots of bubbles. And then there's some flavor added.
Vulpix: Sure thing~ ^o^-
Kazooie: This i gotta hear from him next time I see him! heheh!
Otacon: *worried* I hope she's okay!
Linebeck: *eyebrow* I guess you can say that...hmm Military protocol eh? I was a pirate in me younger days so never had that kind of stuff taught...
Ness: ! *holds glass steady as he pours* Eesh, what was that, an earthquake?
Chansey: [@Kaz] *puts down food* Well... I'll just leave you order here then... *leaves a little discouraged*
Grunty: *To Cane* SHUT UP!
Kazooie: [*calls out to Chansey*] THANKS!
Guy: [@Jolt] *blinks* I get it, ki- *cut off as his chair shakes* ...What was that?
G&W: *a ball falls* *crush!*
Surge: A pirate, eh? That'd be more under the juristiction of the navy... I'm more of an army man.
G&W: beep *sweatdrop*
Yoshi: Maybe volcano go off? o.o
Cane: *laughing* Would you like help or not, miss?
Linebeck: *nods* indeed~
G&W: I won't bother with that *juggles again*
Banjo: [@Kazooie] Just..try not to bug me about it..even I don't remember it, but the way Bottles told me it was..embarrassing. And really weird.
Vulpix: *bounces off to look over the cafe, in case anyone else needs a waitress*
Ness: Sounds like it coulda been. *places a few full glasses in the fridge*
Linebeck: (@Ota) So...what do you do with this pokedex? Hmm?
Kazooie: BUT I LOVE EMBARASSING STORIES! LIKE THE TIME YOU...... *tries to think of a good one*
Jeff: *Glances to Grunty.* Jeez, she could give Porky a run for his money... *Shakes his head and scans the table for anyone appearing not to have been helped yet*
Jolt: *nods* ...?! I don't know! *air around Jolt starts to crackle like static*
Chansey: [@ Kaz] Sure, your welcome.
Banjo: [@Kazooie] ...Could we change the subject?
Grunty: *To Cane* I CAN GET UP MYSELF OKAY!?*Squirming fat limbs trying to move, too fat*
Makar: *Scoots quietly around the loud people, trying to think of what human food to order*
Surge *glances over at Jolt before looking back at Linebeck 'n Otacon*: Heh, a pokedex, eh?
Yoshi: *decorates some scones with honey... smiley faces*
Kazooie: Wait! Wait! I can think of a real good one! There's just so many to choose from!
Cane: *bends down to help her anyway, but struggles to lift her* Geeeez, lady...
Banjo: *raises an eyebrow* Really? I can't think of any.
Chansey: *walks over to Cane and Grunty* Um... Do you need any help?
Ness: *removes the raspberry ones from the oven and puts them on the counter to cool*
Guy: *smoothes down stray hairs that are sticking up* [@Jolt] Are you okay?
Jolt: *ears flatten as he feels Surge's eyes pass over him again, then whispers* [@Guy] I...I'm fine. That Surge guy though...keeps lookin' at me.
G&W: *pokes sound system with his nose to change the music to 'Dragon Roost Island'*
Kazooie: Oh whatever! *chomps on a cupcake*
Yoshi: *decorates those* ^_^
Otacon (@ Surge) *beams* Yes! I bought one on A-Buy a few weeks ago! I had no idea I'd be coming to this school and actually meeting Pokemon too!
Ness: : D *flips through pages to 'glazed donuts' and starts making some of those*
Banjo: *sighs* I TOLD you, it just didn't agree with me, doesn't mean it'll do anything to you..
Makar: Hmm, I think I remember this song. Can't place it...
Surge (@ Otacon): Well, I can't tell ya how it works, but I can asure you that it'll greatly help out at this school...
Cane: Hay Chansey! She's not cooperating, but she's kinda... heavy...
Chansey: *Helps Cane lift up Grunty* I... see.
Kazooie: So says Mr. Fat bear!
Oak: -thoughtfully was looking it over, and takes a sip of his tea- Hmm, it seems to be brand new though.. @)Linebeck; Oh? Manaphy you mean?
Linebeck: (@ Surge or Ota) Well, you can always ask them their ain't hard...
Banjo: Hey! Do I look fat to you? ....Do I? D:
Guy: *whispers* [@Jolt] Well he is pretty big and scary... but what would he want with you?
Kazooie: Yes.
Linebeck: (@Oak) ...right. That un'. You know about him?
Yoshi: *sets out finished smiley face scones*
Kazooie: Just not as Fat as Hag 1 over there!
Jeff: *Peers down at Makar curiously.* (How cute...) Oh, have you been helped yet?
Cane: *Sets Grunty upright with Chansey's help, hopes she wont fall over again* A-are... you okay now?
Surge: Well, it tells more than just their names. It tells some stats and abilities... those sorts of things
Banjo: *sags shoulders* I guess I should get out more..
Yoshi: *digs in fridge for more fruits to use*
Otacon: (@ Linebeck) *embarrassed* Well it's not really a question about asking their names moreso than I wanted to try it out now that I have the opportunity to do so.
Kazooie: Heehee! :-D
Oak: Not a lot at all, I've only had word of Red mentioning him when I needed to update his and Green's pokedex's. I believe, however, he's a Sinnoh pokemon... -continues to tinker with the pokedex-
Jolt: *whispers* [@Guy] Well, I told you I'm a pokemon, right? And I'm an electric type. I mess with electricity--you saw me shoot that, uh, lightning bolt at the table? Yeah, Surge likes to train electric pokemon.
Grunty: *Swearing angerly as she squirms to get up to kick some feather ass*
Linebeck: (@ Ota and Surge) Ahah I see.
Makar: *Looks up and jingles nervously* (@Jeff) Um, something vegetarian, please. Suprise me.
Cane: *watches Grunty* Uhh...
Chansey: [@Grunty] Are you alright now, Prof. Grunty?
Cane: Yeah, what she said.
Linebeck: (@Oak) Hmm. Sinoo eh? He was an interesting kid, Manaphy. Maybe ye might see him in the halls. Then yer grandson muttered about legendaries and such...
Guy: *whispers* [@Jolt] ...So? I train all the time. By myself, usually, but with Roy just the other day. A big guy like that could probably teach you a lot, couldn't he?
Banjo: Uhh..I-I won't let that happen! *DETERMINED FACE*
Yoshi: Oooh, blueberries~ *starts making more scones*
Jeff: Sure thing, I'll be right back with something good. *Scoots off to the kitchen as fast as possible before he gets caught up in more explosions or something crazy like that*
Grunty: *Summons lightning to hit the cafe*
Otacon: (@Grunty) *calls out* Hello miss! I believe you're also a teacher at this faculty? Would you care to join us as well?
Cane: AArgh! No, wait!
Linebeck: *munches on his scone*
Oak: ..-blinks- Oh really..? Did you catch what my wonderful grandson DID say?
Otacon: *watches lightening* Oh...oh dear.
Kazooie: *grabs another cupcake and gets up to stand behind Banjo*
Ness: *looks up* Hey Jeff, what's all that screaming going on out there?
Chansey: [@Grunty] P-Please, Miss! I'd ask that you kindly refrain from doing that again! DX
Fox: -_- *watches lightining and scoots away to a farther table*
Cane: Prof.. Prof Grunty could you go outside to zap people? :'D
Vulpix: °A°!! U-uhm...! *runs over to Chansey & Cane by Grunty*
Grunty: *To Banjo and Kazooie* JUST BECAUSE I'M RETIRED AS LUNCHLADY HERE I DON'T THINK YOUR END ISN'T NEAR! *Charging with magic power*
Jolt: *whispers* [@Guy] Well, it's not that simple. Pokemon trainers...catch pokemon. It's like...having, I don't know how to explain this.
Jeff: Some huge green lady's being taunted by another girl... It won't end well, I think.
Yoshi: *pops scones into oven*
Linebeck: (@Oak) Nuthin' much. He just grumbled about math in me class...And then something about how he wanted to add Manaphy to his team...*snickers a little* It'll take 'im a bit more than hot air to get that kid.
Kazooie: *hums a bossly entrance theme*
Cane: Nooo, wait a second Ma'am!
Vulpix: Ah-h... Grunty-san... do you think you can not fight in the cafe?
Yoshi: Is it scary poetry lady?
Banjo: *frantic thinking* Uhrmm..urhmm..
Cane: *Chases after Grunty*
Guy: ...Is she summoning lightning to hit people?? [@Jolt] You're electric, do something!
Kazooie: PUNCH HER!
G&W: *kicks music player to play 'Battle for Storm Hill'*
Chansey: A-Ah! Pleaseeeee stop fighting! DX
Banjo: *charges over, FALCOOOOON.....PAUNCH!!*
Ness: ...d-doesn't sound like it.
Fox: ... *man that guy hurts!*
Jeff: *Scratches the back of his head.* I'm almost afraid to go back out there... A-anyway, I need something small without meat in it. Anything, really. Maybe more scones.
Makar: *Feels like a tree in a lightning storm* Eeep!
Jolt: *looks over, frowns* You know...I think I...could do something... *stands, walks a little closer to the fray.*
Ness: We've got plenty of those. *looks to Yoshi* Seriously.
Yoshi: Fruit salad?
Linebeck: *notices stray lightening and dodges it indifferently by scooting his chair aside*
Vulpix: D8 ...!
Kazooie: *stands back and eats cupcake* :3
Ness: That might be good too!
Grunty: Y-YOU LITTLE-! *Throws a ball of magic energy hurling Banjo's way*
Surge: *totally watching lighting/Jolt LIKE A HAWK*
Oak: -totally oblivious of the lightning and figures how to turn on the pokede- Ahah! I knew I still had it in me! @Linebeck) Ahh. That's Green for you, Red and him are great rivals. So, he would want to beat him, naturally.
Cane: *reluctantly tries to get between Grunty and Banjo* H-hey... guys...
Yoshi: Okay! *goes to get every single type of fruit in the fridge*
Banjo: OH GEEZ. *hits the deck*
Otacon: *completely unused to magic, so watches in amazement*
Jeff: Er... *Watches Yoshi.* Just be careful not to overdo it.
Guy: *sips nervously at his soda, watching Jolteon walk into the fight*
Ness: *takes down cutting board, pulls a large knife from the drawer, grabs some lettuce and starts carefully slicing it*
Oak: -smiles- Ahh! Look as if we're either in for an odd lightning storm, or we have an electric pokemon present~ 8D
Vulpix: *getting annoyed by the fighting* Can we please not fight in here?! *fumes*
Kazooie: *ducks under a table and reaches an arm out to grab another cupcake* These are good!
Surge (@ Oak): You're just NOW noticing?
Yoshi: *sings* Fruit salad! Yummy yummy~!
Cane: *falls over* Gah!
Chansey: [@Cane] Wah! Are you okay?
Chansey: *helps Cane up*
Otacon: *snaps out of it* Oh, thank you for your help professor!
Cane: Thanks Chansey...
Oak: Ehehe, I was too busy working on fixing Otacon's pokedex. -beams- No problem at all~
Kazooie: *pops up* I WANT FRUIT SALAD!
Linebeck: (@Oak) Hm rivals, eh? Interesting kids, yer grandson and that red kid...
Banjo: *gets back up* Yeah! I think it'd be best for you guys to stay out of the way!
Linebeck: (@Oak) *totally ignores fight* Maybe ye should see Manaphy tomorrow or something to get his dex entry. I'm quite interested in this machine...thing... *looks over at dex interested*
Cane: [@ Grunty] *growls* Hey LADY! TAKE IT OUTSIDE!
G&W: *ball falls* *crush*
G&W: ........beep *walks out to the floor*
Yoshi: *singing* Peel your bananas~!
Surge *partly listening to teacher's convo*: Ah, so ya met that Manaphy kid too, huh?
Banjo: *cracks knuckles* Bring it, Grunty.
Yoshi: *singing* Toss in some grapes~!
Kazooie: Wow! Banjo grew a pair!
Otacon: (@ Linebeck) R--really? You don't think he'd mind, being a teacher?
Jolt: *steps closer to Grunty, then focuses himself*
Cane: Nonono, guys. Wait a sec. D:
Grunty: *Casts five rapid fireballs*
Jeff: *Has one ear to the door, not liking what he hears outside at all.*
Oak: -nods- It would be a facinating thing to see~ I've only met one of the legendaries that attend the school, and this will help my research so much. -shakes his head- No no, not at all~ Infact, I'd be happy too!
Ness: *grabs a bowl and then another from the cabinets and dumbs the lettuce into them* Uh. So that's two fruit salads? *glances over shoulder to Jeff*
Yoshi: *singing, totally oblivious* Chop up some apples~!
Chansey: PLEASE STOP IT! *gets in front of fireballs and uses LIGHT SCREEN to null the attack*
Otacon: (nerding too much of the idea he'll finally get to scan something with his pokedex) Oh! I've love that very much!
Ness: It's reeeally hard to suppress the urge to run out there and join them, especially hearing about how people are going to blow up the place. Y'know?
G&W: *sees Grunty* I don't think my cafe will ever go untouched, beep. *walks over*
Vulpix: *Safeguards for extra protection*
Yoshi: Yoshi must finish cooking duties first! *singing* Chop up some melons and put them on your plate~!
Banjo:[@Chansey] *panics* Uh, miss! I don't think you should get between this..
Oak: That's the spirit~ 8D -takes a sip of tea-
Chansey: [@Grunty] Please, if you continue this, I shall be forced to put you to sleep!
Grunty: *Turns to G&W* What is it NOW!?
Linebeck: (@Surge) Yes, I had to bring him to the school... (@Otacon/Oak) Good~ He comes into a class adjacent to mine on Tuesday, so I guess you can see him then.
Jeff: Yeah, Froot Loops on that second one... Uh. Jeez, you don't mean you'd want to go blow stuff up too, right? (Th-that's my job!)
Cane: Do it, Chansey! She's annoying... D:
G&W: *hits Grunty on the face with a frying pan* NO FIGHTING AT THE CAFE. beep
Kazooie: *chomps another cupcake*
Jolt: *getting annoyed with the commotion* Alright, this storm's gotta stop. *focuses himself until an extremely loud peal of thunder is heard outside, loud enough to shake the cafe*
Yoshi: *tosses various fruits into the bowls Ness prepared*
Surge: ...! *goes back to watching Jolt*
Cane: *jumps* Holy moley Sparky!
Chansey: *shudders a little*
Grunty: *Hit by frying pan* HEY!
Vulpix: °A°!!! *jumps at the thunder*
Yoshi: Fruit salad is ready!
Otacon: *jumps* Um...are all cafe meetings like this? *drinks his tea nervously*
Guy: Is there always this much shaking at the cafe? D:
G&W: Please take fighting elsewhere or keep it to yourself, beep.
Ness: Yeah, first things first... *chopping carrots* --Froot Loops? ...okay. ; *raids pantry for said cereal* Haha, no, no, I mean go out and stop whoever's trying to. But I guess my job is in the kitchen for now~
Chansey: *is also surprised by G&W with his pan*
Jolt: *opens eyes as a huge bolt of lightning seemingly from nowhere strikes the electric pokemon--and nothing else*
Makar: (@Ota) I was about to ask someone that. @A@
Linebeck: (@Ota) Most of the time. Heard last cafe was much quieter.
Grunty: *To Banjo* Unless you're CHICKEN, let's take this outside!
Cane: Wow.
Linebeck: *noticies Makar* Oh hallo little kid.
G&W: Problem solved, beep. *walks to the back*
Ness: *inserts carrots directly into bowls and sprinkles Froot Loops onto one of them* Yeah, ready!
Oak: Alright! Thanks Linebeck~ ...-finishes a scone and smiles- I feel a poem coming on~ :3
Guy: *lets out a yelp* Jolteon!
Yoshi: Hooray!
Cane: That was pretty sweet, Sparky!
Chansey: *groans and then sighs* ...nevermind ...
Otacon: (@ Oak) A poem?
Vulpix: Phew... =___=;;;
Surge: ... *frowns* Oi, Jolteon, maybe this isn't the best place for that?
Banjo: *deep breath* I'm not gonna let you terrorize this school like you did with my home!
Jolt: *jitters for a moment, blinks a couple times, then smiles* There, storm's all gone. *returns to his seat*
Makar: *Looks up* (@Linebeck) Hello big intimidating pirate guy.
Kazooie: Banjo is such a man! *chomp*
Jolt: [@Cane] Thanks, man.
G&W: *goes to the back and changes music to 'Meta Knight's Revenge'*
Grunty: *Evil cackle* It's YOUR fault I'm stuck here! Mark my words I'll rebuild Grunty Industries and take over Spiral Mountain!
Oak; Yes yes~ *W* This commotion has 'sparked' my creativity!
Guy: [@Jolt] ...Are you okay?
Ness: *looks up* ...thunder... .
Linebeck: *laughs at the little Makar thing* Har har har...have I seen ye around? I believe Link had talk about ye...
Banjo: Not if I beat you, once and for all!
Kazooie: Riiiiiiiiiight! and you're going to turn it into a city of condo towers and shopping malls, Fatass!
Cane: *laughing* That was fun.
Otacon: (@ Makar) *looks amazed at him* hello little guy!
Grunty: *Storms up to Kazooie* Got a problem with that!?
Surge: *smirks at Jolt sitting down, then looks back at other teachers*
Kazooie: Yes. :)
Jeff: Th-thanks. I'll be back... hopefully. *Sneaks outside with the fruit salads, going as fast as possible. He puts the fruit salad in front of Kazooie and the other in front of Makar* Okay, e-enjoy!
Jolt: [@Guy] Huh? Oh, I'm fine! I feel awesome! Great! Fabulous! Like I could run a million miles!
Linebeck: *looked at everything with TOTAL indifference* Having fun Surge?
Otacon: (@Oak): *claps* I've never seen someone do creative poetry before! I just like to say proverbs, honestly.
Surge: Eh? Whatcha mean?
Linebeck: (@Surge) You seem very excited about seein' Jolteon kid there...
Grunty: *Smashes Kazooie's two cupcakes with her bare fist*
Oak: ! -looks to Makar and smiles- Oh my! What kind of pokemon are you? I haven't seen one like this before~ @Ota) Oh?~ Would you like to join me? I wonder if we can find a way to speak. -chuckles-
Cane: *watches Grunty* I... thought she was leaving. D:
Kazooie: you're gonna pay for those, right?
Guy: [@Jolt] ...Wow. I don't think I've ever seen somebody feel better after getting hit by lightning.
Surge: ...! Oh, hahah, is that so? *scratches cheek*
Otacon: (@Oak) *extremely nervous about the idea of publicly speaking* Um...maybe?
Ness: Heheh, good luck. *puts huge knife away*
Cane: Uh, does anyone need a waiter?
Grunty: *To Kazooie* Like I'd REALLY do that you pencil neck bitch!
Banjo: *growls and storms forward* Leave Kazooie out of this, Grunty!! I won't let you hurt her!
Cane: *glances at Grunty* Geez...

banjo (banjo-kazooie), vulpix (pokemon), * event - sumabura cafe, yoshi (mario), chansey (pokemon), cane/arcanine (pokemon), linebeck (zelda), ness (mother), guy (fire emblem), oak (pokemon), otacon (metal gear), jolteon (pokemon), mr. game & watch (game & watch), lieutenant surge (pokemon), gruntilda (banjo-kazooie), fox mccloud (star fox), !chat log, kazooie (banjo-kazooie), makar (zelda), jeff andonuts (mother)

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