An Out of this World Sexual Therapy! The Smell of Cologne, Chickens and Cigarettes?!

Mar 10, 2011 23:32

Who: AU Ganondorf & Italian Spiderman
Where: The not Ganondorf's Office
When: Whenever you need and want it, baby. (7th-12th)

[On the door of room TD-24, a plaque out of shiny gold metal reads; "Gary Ganon Bart Lemming Douglas Jayjay Dragmire Falcon the 3rd, your friendly neighborhood Sexual Consultants". A tinier plaque on the bottom reads "please talk to Italian Spiderman for any information and visits. Real name withheld" (okay maybe that is his name?)

As your character is entering the room, music much like this oneis playing. There is a man who doesn't look like he should belong here behind a white desk, surrounded by questionable sexual material and pamphlets. There is a chicken next to him. Once in a while this strangely large man looks right into the chicken and a...pack of cigarette comes out?

It really reeks of cigarettes in here.

Gangan is wearing the finest business suit (aka a pair of shirts), but is busy in his own office, the door semi-opened to let people in.

There is a...surprising amount of diplomas in the back. They are real. He's actually really bright and smart and won a lot of awards..]

((OPEN AU OFFICE LOG! Ask them anything - couple problems, things to get to your lovers, how to make their lives more sexually interesting, heck just questions about the BIRDS AND THE BEES or even LIVE THE UNIVERSE AND EVERYTHING are good. And now you've got an AU Ganondorf to answer them.

Here's how it works:
1. This takes place in Gangan's dorm, who's front piece has been turned into an office.
2. Post either in log format, or in LJ reply format, I don't mind either
3. The conversation is private unless you leave the log open for other people to come in.

4a. "OPEN DOOR" at the start of your comment thread means you allow thread hopping (allowing others to walk in on your conversation)
4b. "CLOSED DOOR" means. Uh, the opposite.
4c. "EAVESDROPPABLE" means you allow others to walk past and, well, eavesdrop.

5. Look at the others to make sure if you do have a private convo that it's not the same time as someone else

6. Feel free to come as a couple or more!))

Date and Relative time:
Door open or closed?:
Snoopers allowed?:

mario (mario), ganondorf dragmire (zelda), !open log

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