(no subject)

Mar 10, 2011 21:51

Who: Four space cops very upstanding and not suspicious at all representatives of the Galactic Federation purveyors of fine caffeinated drinks. Also, YOU.
What: So there's this coffee shop, right.
When: ALL WEEK. From Tuesday, March 8th, to the end of the AU event.
Where: A totally unassuming and absolutely not-a-front-for-Galactic Federation-business coffee shop.
Warnings: Bowties.

Hyde and Uxie wanted him undercover? Fine. The always dashing and ever-so-talented D.J. Falcon, Colonel of the Galactic Federation could do undercover.

Even though he hated it. A lot.

Falcon was not a particularly subtle individual, especially when it came to missions. Time spent undercover was better spent punching people in the face. He'd already cloaked his spaceship, what more did those two want from him? BUT FINE. WHATEVER. He would humor Hyde and his know-it-all partner. Perhaps going undercover would allow him to make some headway on his own weapons trafficking mission...gather some intel, and then Hyde and Uxie could do whatever it was they were doing here. At a school.

But misery loves company, and he would not be a very good GF officer if he didn't capitalize on every possible opportunity to make his subordinates miserable. He was going to make them all miserable. Especially the insufferable Lieutenant Aran. She would be the most miserable.

It would be a regular undercover party.


So there's this coffee shop, right. How long has it been there? No one knows. It must have just popped up overnight. Like magic. Maybe you pass it every day without a second thought. Maybe you frequent it. Maybe you're only just noticing it for the first time. In any case, it seems to be under new management.

What you do know, however, is that they make the best damn cup of coffee you've ever had in your entire life. And if you don't know, you're about to find out, because you cannot resist the best damn cup of coffee you've ever had in your entire life.

vianca/red and white pikmin (pikmin), goose (pilotwings), sable (animal crossing), izzy/zubat (pokemon), uxie (pokemon), !open log, captain falcon (f-zero), kyle hyde (hotel dusk), blacky/misdreavus (pokemon), samus aran (metroid)

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