Dec 04, 2010 14:23

Who: A lot of people, and some Capcom High guest stars.
What: Good times in the network chat room.
When: Friday, December 3rd, night.
Warnings: Talk about sex, fanfic, and gratuitous use of the f-word.

Izzy: thisismecountry
Lip: puzzlecrazylip
Ghor: Gh0r
Goose: historicairshow
Marie: mariethesquirtle
Fuel: coveredinsoot
Green: goak1991
Porygon-Z: porygaze
Falcon: c4n7dr1v355
Daisy: crystalsmashing
Brock: bestsweater
ROB: ....ROB.
Nyx: NyxTheGhastly
Lyra: girlwithgator
Char: kerosenedream
Jeff Andonuts: DonutBoy
Blacky: blackasnite
Amp: amperechu
Sabrina: bendinurspoons
Vinne: vinniesaur
Sasha: sashalikestoread
Andy: mechaorange
Gideon: noirnovel
Zelda: legendof
Misty: mistycalmermayd
Bob: tobakeanapplepie
Cyrus: cyrusTG
Giovanni: groundbreaker
Nephenee: SentinelNeph
Mewtwo: m2150sbg
EVA: temptedbysnake
Ness: OnettKid
Milimili: trickroomd
Slippy: slipshot04
Anshu: solarpowermeteor
Eggman: iamtheeggman
Pit: fite4palutena
Max: tank rockarms

[23:11] DonutBoy:
the quality or state of being innocent; freedom from sin or moral wrong.
freedom from legal or specific wrong; guiltlessness: The prisoner proved his innocence.
simplicity; absence of guile or cunning; naiveté.
lack of knowledge or understanding.
harmlessness; innocuousness.
an innocent person or thing.
bluet (def. 1).
blue-eyed Mary.
[23:11] slipshot04: Hi guys.What's going on?
[23:11] girlwithgator: vinnie is green joking
[23:11] DonutBoy: Oh that came out huge I'm sorry
[23:11] c4n7dr1v355: Hi, Slippy.
[23:11] DonutBoy: hey!
[23:11] m2150sbg: Good evening, Slippy.
[23:11] vinniesaur: I know he's joking that's why he's a dick
23:11] goak1991: Joking about what
[23:11] CyrusTG: Free from sin or moral wrong. That is admirable. Yet it is oftentime used to enforce ignorance of the ways of the world.
[23:11] girlwithgator: about stuff
[23:11] noirnovel: Nyx, I am Gideon... a Dusknoir
[23:11] legendof: Nice to see you here, Slippy.
[23:11] goak1991: I don't joke
[23:12] vinniesaur: yeah cuz you're A JOKE
[23:12] goak1991: That doesn't make a lot of sense
[23:12] girlwithgator: guys im serious i cant tell
[23:12] noirnovel: Vincent--- I will come visit you sometime
[23:12] goak1991: You're being hurtful
[23:12] bestsweater: It's okay, Lyra, I'm not sure what's going on either.
[23:12] NyxTheGastly: Yeah, nice t'meet you.
[23:13] noirnovel: Why so much hate? Im curious, Vincent? a Traumatic experience?
[23:13] c4n7dr1v355: He did it to me, too.
[23:13] c4n7dr1v355: Just ignore him.
[23:13] noirnovel: Marie, can you explain the behavior of Vincent?
[23:13] mariethesquirtle: what about it?
[23:13] goak1991: I just wish I wasn't allergic to you you know
[23:13] vinniesaur: NO HE CAN'T
[23:13] noirnovel: Why is Vincent so ill-mannered
[23:13] girlwithgator: that actually really sad ;^;
[23:14] mariethesquirtle: I DONT KNOW WHY HE TYPES LIKE THIS
[23:14] blackasnite: It's a shame I don't come in here more often.
[23:14] girlwithgator: are you allergic to your ivysaur??
23:14] goak1991: No
[23:14] girlwithgator: hes really nie btw
[23:14] girlwithgator: *nice
[23:14] c4n7dr1v355: Bulba's a good kid.
[23:14] vinniesaur: I wonder where he gets it from
[23:14] goak1991: Yeah he's awesome
[23:14] vinniesaur: cuz it's obviously not you
[23:14] noirnovel: Bulba confuses me sometimes with his choice of naming
[23:14] slipshot04: Slippy: Why would you own a pokemon if your allergic to it?
[23:14] girlwithgator: i was confused too
[23:14] goak1991: I'm not allergic to Bulba just Vinnie
[23:14] girlwithgator: i thought his name was goldy at first!!
[23:15] NyxTheGastly: Here, I can explain Vinnie for ya. he's a retard. Ain't too hard to figure out.
[23:15] bestsweater: Once, I heard about someone who was really allergic to skitty, but she loved them so much she kept like...fifteen anyway.
[23:15] bestsweater: i can't imagine it was very comfortable.
[23:15] girlwithgator: if i was allergic to feraligatrs i would still keep rui
[23:15] vinniesaur: I'm pretty sure there's NO DIFFERENCE in pollen
[23:15] noirnovel: Hmm Hmm, Nyx... Ill take note of that, seems like the best condition to describe Vincent as of yet
[23:15] goak1991: There's more anger in yours
[23:15] mariethesquirtle: no, shes wrong
[23:15] girlwithgator: when your meant to be with each other all the sneezing ever wont change that
[23:15] blackasnite: Oh, goodness. I'm allergic to Skitty and cats in general but i was still close with Martha when she was here.
[23:15] mariethesquirtle: he's just excited
[23:15] noirnovel: Marie, care to elaborate?
[23:15] goak1991: She speaks the truth
[23:15] blackasnite: can't imagine being near fifteen of them on a daily basis.
[23:16] mariethesquirtle: She doesn't even know him
[23:16] slipshot04: Slippy: I didn't know you were allergic to cats, Ms. Blacky.
[23:16] m2150sbg: Me neither
[23:16] temptedbysnake: Neither did I.
[23:16] Shockrageous: Blacky: Now you do. It's quite a tragic allergy to have.
[23:16] noirnovel: And talking about allergies... I dont seem to be allergic to anything--- Altho, I do have a constant craving for sweets
[23:16] girlwithgator: at least you arent a persian blacky
[23:16] m2150sbg: That's interesting. Others in your evolutionary line are more feline than canine.
[23:17] girlwithgator: then you'd be allergic to yourself!
[23:17] blackasnite: I'm sure that if I'd been born a Meowth I'd jsut end up allergic to dogs.
[23:17] puzzlecrazylip: man these stories are coming out great
[23:17] thejaimonster: Gideon - Ms. Blacky, are you lactose-intolerant?
[23:17] mariethesquirtle: what are you writing?
[23:17] girlwithgator: if you met suicune i wonder if youd sneeze
[23:17] DonutBoy: Wow were you really writing this whole time
[23:17] blackasnite: Not as far as I know.
[23:17] puzzlecrazylip: stories about people in the school!!!!
[23:17] girlwithgator: everyone argues whether their cats or dogs
[23:17] OnettKid: Whoa okay I'm back. The popcorn was trying to set itself on fire, I'm pretty sure.
[23:18] goak1991: Uh did you use the microwave
[23:18] NyxTheGastly: but yeah, some'a the eevees are a lot more like cats... that mean you could be allergic to a sibling or somethin', blacky?
[23:18] girlwithgator: hi again!! ^w^
[23:18] DonutBoy: Uh oh. Were you the ones burning things?
[23:18] mariethesquirtle: what kind of stories.......
[23:18] legendof: ...Oh.
*tobakeanapplepie: has joined the chat
[23:18] legendof: Is the microwave all right?
[23:18] girlwithgator: hi!!
*goak1991 is away
[23:18] OnettKid: Oh its fine!
[23:18] noirnovel: dont bring suicune in the talk, we might have to bear with Morty´s henchman.... the one who seems to like too much that Blue DeerDog Pokemon
[23:18] OnettKid: I stopped it before it actually burned.
[23:18] blackasnite: I'm allergic to the Espeon here. Which is terrible because I'm positive we're from the same breeding mill.
[23:18] girlwithgator: whats wrong with eusine???
[23:18] girlwithgator: hes a nice guy
[23:18] OnettKid: For some reason the popcorn button set itself to like 8 minutes??
[23:18] slipshot04: Deerdog?
[23:18] vinniesaur: Seriously? Euphie?
[23:18] tobakeanapplepie: Hello!
[23:18] CyrusTG: I have...spoken with that man. He is driven. Yet he believes in obviously false things.
[23:19] legendof: Yes, you do have to watch that microwave.
[23:19] legendof: It's been particularly touchy this evening.
[23:19] girlwithgator: what are you talking about
[23:19] girlwithgator: suicune is real
[23:19] noirnovel: I heard things about fanatism
[23:19] blackasnite: Mhm. The day we met she was able to project images into my mind about it.
[23:19] girlwithgator: i saw it too!!
[23:19] CyrusTG: I do not speak of Suicune
[23:19] vinniesaur: So you're like... Euphie's sis or somethin'?
[23:19] mariethesquirtle: What?
[23:19] noirnovel: Also, we have an espeon in the school?
[23:19] m2150sbg: I've never had the pleasure of meeting Suicune.
[23:19] mariethesquirtle: Euphie has a sister?
[23:19] blackasnite: It's entirely possible. Most Eevee are related in one way or another.
[23:19] bestsweater: Me neither. It must be amazing, though.
[23:19] girlwithgator: its really hard to do

[23:20] girlwithgator: those three run really fast
[23:20] tobakeanapplepie: this chat is so fast tonight.
[23:20] bestsweater: You saw all three?
[23:20] vinniesaur: holy shit. Wait, you're a teacher, right?
[23:20] girlwithgator: yeah
[23:20] girlwithgator: but only for a little bit
[23:20] blackasnite: That's right.
[23:20] girlwithgator: then they ran away
[23:20] slipshot04: Slippy: I think the Espeon belongs to my roommate. I don't know I've never really talked to his pokemon before
[23:20] vinniesaur: Euphie can't talk
[23:20] noirnovel: Oh look at the time. I believe I must go away for a while.... Its been a pleasure to talk again with all of you, but this book will not finish reading by itself.
[23:20] girlwithgator: the team rocket kid's your roommate????
[23:20] girlwithgator: bye!!
[23:20] OnettKid: See ya!
[23:21] m2150sbg: Night, Gideon.
[23:21] slipshot04: Team Rocket kid?
[23:21] NyxTheGastly: Later, Gideon.
[23:21] girlwithgator: red!!
[23:21] mariethesquirtle: the Espeon has a name.....
[23:21] slipshot04: Yeah.
[23:21] noirnovel: .... Team... Team Rocket?... No... cant be.... they... disbanded..... Oh well, Ill figure that out later.
[23:21] tobakeanapplepie: I find that such an endearing nickname for him
[23:21] DonutBoy: Isn't Team Rocket some bad group?
[23:21] vinniesaur: Yeah please go away
[23:21] girlwithgator: hes the famousest kid in kanto and johto put together
[23:21] DonutBoy: Is he part of them or something?
[23:21] girlwithgator: NO!!!
[23:21] vinniesaur: NO
[23:21] slipshot04: He is? He never told me that!
[23:21] mariethesquirtle: NO
[23:21] girlwithgator: he broke them up
[23:21] CyrusTG: They disbanded, although their former leader is among the staff. Again, I believed this was common knowledge.
[23:21] noirnovel: Be safe, and come read a book anytime... Vincent... Illl be waiting....
[23:22] DonutBoy: Ohh.
[23:22] mariethesquirtle: we broke them up
[23:22] c4n7dr1v355: I'm going to make some more popcorn.
[23:22] vinniesaur: I'm never going to the library again.
*goak1991 is available
[23:22] slipshot04: Woah
*noirnovel has left the chat
[23:22] DonutBoy: Careful with the microwave.
[23:22] girlwithgator: you should get me some of his stuff :3
[23:22] legendof: Is the microwave all right?
[23:22] girlwithgator: jk!!!!!
[23:22] c4n7dr1v355: I'm not on campus.
[23:22] girlwithgator: (but really)
[23:22] goak1991: Yes everything is fine
[23:22] c4n7dr1v355: I'm an adult, I have my own microwave.
[23:22] DonutBoy: Oh right.
[23:22] DonutBoy: I'm going to move in and burn popcorn in it.
[23:22] goak1991: Thank Arceus
[23:23] c4n7dr1v355: Technically I probably don't even need a microwave to make popcorn.
[23:23] OnettKid: That's a great movein present.
[23:23] goak1991: Oh woah was she just in here
[23:23] c4n7dr1v355: But I'm lazy.
[23:23] tobakeanapplepie: Thank me? What did I do?
[23:23] vinniesaur: Hey marie, do you think Red knows Euph's got a sister?
[23:23] goak1991: Oh
[23:23] goak1991: uh
[23:23] vinniesaur: cuz like, it's not like she could say anything bout it
[23:23] goak1991: Awkward
[23:23] mariethesquirtle: I don't know
[23:23] blackasnite: Hey now, it's not 100% certain.
[23:23] blackasnite: There's no reason to make a big deal about it.
[23:23] mariethesquirtle: we should tell him
[23:23] tobakeanapplepie: I have a question regarding the math equation on page 35 on the "advance physics book"
[23:24] c4n7dr1v355: Yeah, what's up?
[23:24] temptedbysnake: What's the question?
[23:24] vinniesaur: of course it's a big deal! you could be familiy!
[23:24] slipshot04: What's the question?
[23:24] tobakeanapplepie: I'm having problems with Fermat's Last Theorem.
[23:24] m2150sbg: I'm here if you need me.
[23:24] c4n7dr1v355: Excuse me. Physics teacher.
[23:24] vinniesaur: Familiy's always a big deal.
[23:25] CyrusTG: Interesting. That puzzled the mathmatical community for hundreds of years.
[23:25] c4n7dr1v355: What about it?
[23:25] goak1991: Family*
[23:25] mariethesquirtle: familiy
[23:25] vinniesaur: shut up I know
[23:25] DonutBoy: Jeff: I was never able to solve it on my own!
[23:25] goak1991: Just making sure
[23:26] OnettKid: I'd totally want to know if I had another sister around.
[23:26] slipshot04: That one's a hard one
[23:26] c4n7dr1v355: Yeah, are you reading ahead, we dont' about that in class.
[23:26] blackasnite: ...I suppose I can't argue with that.
[23:26] girlwithgator: i would love to have a brother or sister
[23:26] tobakeanapplepie: I think it's the elliptic curves that are making the whole thing complicated for me
[23:26] c4n7dr1v355: Maybe in the math classes, I don't know. What say you, Mewtwo?
[23:26] girlwithgator: especially if they were friends with the team rocket kid
[23:26] girlwithgator: your really lucky blacky ^O^
[23:26] CyrusTG: I will aid you privately on that, if needed.
[23:26] m2150sbg: I believe I could assist you.
[23:26] blackasnite: Maybe.
[23:26] temptedbysnake: I thought you were the Phsyics teacher.
[23:27] temptedbysnake: [/SASSY]
[23:27] c4n7dr1v355: I thought you were the librarian.
[23:27] temptedbysnake: And?
[23:27] tobakeanapplepie: Oh no need to fight on my account I'm glad for all the help!
*sashalikestoread: has joined the chat
[23:28] girlwithgator: hi!!!
[23:28] DonutBoy: Hi!
[23:28] slipshot04: Hi there
[23:28] vinniesaur: Hey!
[23:28] m2150sbg: For the elliptic curves
[23:28] CyrusTG: If you will, speak with me privately regarding that theorem.
[23:29] mariethesquirtle: hi!
[23:29] OnettKid: Hello!
[23:29] girlwithgator: i dont know what any of that stuff is
[23:29] girlwithgator: will it be on the test??
[23:29] sashalikestoread: HEY Guys!
[23:29] c4n7dr1v355: No, we don't cover that in my class.
[23:29] DonutBoy: ow my eyes
[23:29] c4n7dr1v355: Can't speak for the librarian though.
[23:29] girlwithgator: ok good
[23:29] OnettKid: Oh whoa hello
[23:29] vinniesaur: Sis you're not bright yellow anymore
[23:29] sashalikestoread: what's wrong with your eyes?
[23:29] c4n7dr1v355: She might pop quiz you while you're in the study room.
[23:29] m2150sbg: It's important to remember that it goes against the Taniyama-Shimura conjecture
[23:29] mariethesquirtle: sasha you should change your font
[23:29] vinniesaur: your font doesn't have to be yellow anymore
[23:30] m2150sbg: and thus is non-modular.
[23:30] vinniesaur: please
[23:30] sashalikestoread: Oh I just pick those colors because they match my fire
[23:30] girlwithgator: school was a lot easier before i got my trainer licence
[23:30] OnettKid: Your uh. A little bright there.
[23:30] girlwithgator: school was a lot easier before i got my trainer licence
[23:30] OnettKid: Your uh. A little bright there.
[23:30] CyrusTG: Has anyone need of assistance in ethical issues?
[23:30] girlwithgator: i think its pretty
[23:30] NyxTheGastly: fuck turn that off willya? some of us need our eyes.
[23:30] temptedbysnake: Oh, ha ha.
[23:30] sashalikestoread: How do I turn it off?
[23:30] Shockrageous: Jeff: How'd you turn it on if you don't know how?
[23:30] sashalikestoread: I kinda set it up with some help and then I'm not even sure how it works
[23:30] goak1991: Just please change it it should be right below the text box
[23:30] Shockrageous: Jeff: aaaaaaaaa
[23:30] porygaze: I will assist.
[23:30] porygaze: Please stand by.
[23:30] sashalikestoread: The text box okay hold on
[23:30] goak1991: Please do
[23:31] sashalikestoread: Is this better?
[23:31] goak1991: NO
[23:31] slipshot04: NO!
[23:31] mariethesquirtle: no
[23:31] girlwithgator: yes
[23:31] blackasnite: I'm glad I bought those sunglasses.
[23:31] sashalikestoread: i'm getting mixed reactions
[23:31] sashalikestoread: hold on i'll try the other one besides it
[23:31] goak1991: No you're getting one yes and about a thousand no's
[23:31] CyrusTG: You are dominating the screen. Do not call attention to your idiocy.
[23:31] OnettKid: Its like I used rockin in font format. But with less blue.
[23:31] goak1991: That's not mixed
[23:32] slipshot04: least she's not doing cyan text
[23:32] puzzlecrazylip: HEY GUYS I CHANGED MY FONT COLOR
[23:32] puzzlecrazylip: DO YOU LIKE IT
[23:32] girlwithgator: i like all the colors
[23:32] OnettKid: ... Hahahah
[23:32] bestsweater: I like it, Lip.
[23:32] sashalikestoread: Oh! the font became all small again
[23:32] puzzlecrazylip: thanks!!!!
[23:32] OnettKid: It's really nice.
[23:32] slipshot04: ....
[23:32] sashalikestoread: THANK YOU BIRD...THING.
[23:32] mariethesquirtle: that's better
[23:32] porygaze: You are welcome.
[23:32] vinniesaur: finally...
[23:32] mariethesquirtle: anyway Sasha did you know euphie might have a sister
[23:33] vinniesaur: YEAH
[23:33] vinniesaur: SHE'S A TEACHER
[23:33] sashalikestoread: Yeah and I might have brother and sisters--wait what?
[23:33] mariethesquirtle: Her name is blackasnite on the chat
[23:33] girlwithgator: blacky!!
[23:33] sashalikestoread: OH!
[23:33] vinniesaur: like, a teacher at the school!
[23:33] mariethesquirtle: sorry!!!!
[23:33] puzzlecrazylip: it's ms.blacky
[23:33] blackasnite: I'm not automatically passing you all just because of the possibility.
[23:33] girlwithgator: (thats her real name)
[23:34] vinniesaur: that's fine I dont' think I'm in your class
[23:34] sashalikestoread: hello ephie's maybe sister person i am happy to meet you
[23:34] blackasnite: Psychology?
[23:34] sashalikestoread: woops I think I pressed the wrong button again
[23:34] OnettKid: ...
[23:34] vinniesaur: I THOUGHT THE FONT WAS FIXED
[23:34] mariethesquirtle: sasha you made it big agaun
[23:34] sashalikestoread: okay I think I fixed it
*temptedbysnake: has left the chat
[23:34] DonutBoy: Stop iiiit
[23:34] porygaze: Please do not interfere with the settings.
[23:34] slipshot04: I think your text looks fine now
[23:34] NyxTheGastly: jesus fuck okay i guess my eyes arent allowed to work anymore
[23:34] m2150sbg: Oh... Porygon-Z can you lock the settings?
[23:35] sashalikestoread: No don't lock me in my room
[23:35] CyrusTG: ...regardless. You will not do so again.
[23:35] slipshot04: The settings, not you
[23:35] m2150sbg: No, that's not what I meant.
[23:35] sashalikestoread: ...oh.
[23:35] NyxTheGastly: no lock her in too
[23:35] OnettKid: Nono, I think he means so you can't make it bigger on accident.
[23:35] mariethesquirtle: I'm going to tell Red abt blacky & Euphie brb
[23:35] goak1991: Yeah you can do that too if you want Pory
*mariethesquirtle: has left the chat
[23:35] blackasnite: tfrhdbg
[23:35] porygaze: I am capable of this. Is this acceptable to you, Sasha?
[23:36] blackasnite: I've even resorted to keysmashing.
[23:36] blackasnite: How I've fallen.
23:36] sashalikestoread: Uhhh okay!
[23:36] blackasnite: Not literally.
[23:37] sashalikestoread: You like books too?
[23:37] sashalikestoread: oh oh wait literally. I get it
[23:37] blackasnite: Of course.
[23:37] girlwithgator: i dont get it
[23:37] sashalikestoread: VINNIE GUESS WHAT GUESS WHAT
[23:37] vinniesaur: what?
[23:37] blackasnite: She mistook "literally" for "literary," I believe.
[23:37] sashalikestoread: ROCK BAND 6 IS COMING OUT IN 2 WEEKS.
[23:37] girlwithgator: o
[23:37] girlwithgator:
[23:37] vinniesaur: HOLY SHIT YESSSSS
[23:38] vinniesaur: what's on the setlist?!
[23:38] OnettKid: ROCK BAND!?!
[23:38] blackasnite: I'm going to go out for some air. Should anyone actually need help with psychology, message Uxie.
[23:38] DonutBoy: OH MAN
[23:38] OnettKid: OH MY GOD JEFF
[23:38] ROB: Error: There are more "rock bands" in existence than 6.
[23:38] girlwithgator: bye!!!
[23:38] DonutBoy: LET'S DO IT
[23:38] OnettKid: JEFF
[23:38] OnettKid: YES
[23:38] sashalikestoread: IT'S
[23:38] sashalikestoread: IT'S
*blackasnite has left the chat
[23:38] sashalikestoread: THE COMPLETE SPINAL TAP COLLECTION
[23:39] CyrusTG: They speak of a video game, those wasteful distractions.
[23:39] vinniesaur: whoa...
[23:39] DonutBoy: will we get to crank it to 11
[23:39] sashalikestoread: Well yeah
[23:39] sashalikestoread: It comes with a guitar
[23:39] CyrusTG: ...such foolishness.
[23:39] slipshot04: Slippy: Hey! At least they're FUN distractions!
[23:39] sashalikestoread: to set it to 11
[23:39] sirfortunecookie: Daisy: I totally loved the Tenacious D version better.
[23:39] OnettKid: WHOA
[23:39] sashalikestoread: There's also some Jem on there
[23:39] sashalikestoread: And some Misfits but I never really liked them as much
[23:39] OnettKid: ... Jeff is your dad secretly a rocker.
[23:40] puzzlecrazylip: JEM
[23:40] DonutBoy: Hahaha. I... don't know. That would be weird.
[23:40] DonutBoy: But you missed it he was at a video game conference!
[23:40] OnettKid: Is that what he does in his lab all day.
[23:40] sashalikestoread: Oh also the Stingers
[23:40] sashalikestoread: [Vinnie might hear a happy sigh at the name]
[23:40] OnettKid: I can't really picture him headbanging... Wait what
[23:40] DonutBoy: I DON'T KNOW
[23:40] DonutBoy: That's the weirdest thing I've pictured all night and that's saying something
[23:40] OnettKid: Hahaha
[23:41] vinniesaur: ((wow how did I hear the sigh over the internet))
[23:41] vinniesaur: ((psychic red team powers yes))
[23:41] sashalikestoread: And some indie bands I don't know about
[23:41] sashalikestoread: The website said something about
[23:41] vinniesaur: What about the Beets?
[23:41] OnettKid: DUDE dude is the Runaway 5 on it THEY GOTTA GET ON THERE SOMETIME.
[23:41] sashalikestoread: Beets is for the expansion pack
[23:41] vinniesaur: aw goddamn
[23:41] DonutBoy: They're not really rock though.
[23:42] sashalikestoread: Runaway Four or Five and yeah those guys!
[23:42] DonutBoy: But that would be great.
[23:42] OnettKid: I don't care---
[23:42] OnettKid: REALLY
[23:42] DonutBoy: WHAT
[23:42] OnettKid: REALLY
[23:42] OnettKid: ARE YOU FOR SERIOUS
[23:42] sashalikestoread: What do you know of them
[23:42] sashalikestoread: They aren't the Stingers
[23:42] OnettKid: No I gotta go pre-order this right now bbl
[23:42] DonutBoy: We've seen them live! Helped them out of a jam or two!
[23:43] OnettKid: *OnettKid is away
[23:43] crystalsmashing: I heard that Brainkrieg is gonna be in DLC
[23:43] DonutBoy: seen them collab with venus
[23:43] sashalikestoread: WAIT NO COME BACK
[23:43] c4n7dr1v355: Is that the uh--venus.
[23:43] c4n7dr1v355: Yeah.
[23:43] DonutBoy: GO NESS GO
[23:43] c4n7dr1v355: Beat me to it.
[23:43] DonutBoy: What?
[23:43] sashalikestoread: WHO WAS THAT PERSON
[23:43] DonutBoy: That was Ness!
[23:43] puzzlecrazylip: ness
[23:43] sashalikestoread: You get bonuses if you do that!
[23:43] CyrusTG: ...I see. There is no hope for this group.
[23:43] CyrusTG: And yet I remain.
[23:44] DonutBoy: Hold on I'll text him
*OnettKid is back
[23:44] DonutBoy: Oops

[23:44] DonutBoy: You can preorder online you know
[23:44] CyrusTG: Teleportation. Interesting.
[23:44] OnettKid: ....
[23:44] OnettKid: oh
[23:44] OnettKid: right
[23:44] sashalikestoread: something about unlocking CDMC if you get 600 Bra points on the gamebra
[23:44] puzzlecrazylip: what you don't like video games mr. cyrus
[23:44] vinniesaur: we need a rock band party when this thing's released.
[23:44] sashalikestoread: YEAH YEAH HELLO
[23:44] sashalikestoread: NESS PERSON
[23:44] vinniesaur: everyone's invited
[23:44] sashalikestoread: PREORDER ON TOP OF ME
[23:44] OnettKid: HELLO
[23:44] bestsweater: I'm not so good at video games.
[23:44] OnettKid: what how do I do that OK
[23:44] CyrusTG: I dislike any distraction to the world.
[23:45] sashalikestoread: Well not 'literally' as Ephie's sister would say
[23:45] bestsweater: I played Contra with Raiden once but it didn't go so well.
[23:45] vinniesaur: doesn't matter if you're not good at video games
[23:45] goak1991: Euphie*
[23:45] DonutBoy: I wonder if we can alter the system to play even more instruments...
[23:45] girlwithgator: i'm kinda bad at them too brock
[23:45] slipshot04: Contra's a really hard game in general
[23:45] goak1991: Wow Sasha your own team mate
[23:45] OnettKid: If anyone can it's totally you Jeff
[23:45] bestsweater: Raiden got the high score, though!
[23:45] DonutBoy: I'M GONNA DO IT
[23:45] OnettKid: YEAH DO IT
[23:45] DonutBoy: TONIGHT
[23:45] bestsweater: Well, until Gamera beat him.
[23:45] DonutBoy: WHO NEEDS SLEEP
[23:45] OnettKid: YES
[23:45] OnettKid: ME. sometimes.

porygon-z (pokemon), blacky/umbreon (pokemon), slippy toad (starfox), captain falcon (f-zero), marie/squirtle (pokemon), ness (mother), bob heather/arceus (pokemon), mewtwo (pokemon), lip (panel de pon), gideon/dusknoir (pokemon), zelda (zelda), brock (pokemon), nyx/gengar (pokemon), !chat log, sasha/charizard (pokemon), vinnie/venusaur (pokemon), cyrus (pokemon), lyra (pokemon), green (pokemon), jeff andonuts (mother)

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