Who: Lash, Jeff, Poo, Paula, Maxwell, Kumatora, Lucas
What: Mysterious calls on Wednesday night lead seven students into hijack a ship to supposedly fight off an evil menace. But there's more than meets the eye...
When: Early Saturday morning.
Where: Final Destination's Airport, Space, and then... ???
Rating: PG -13 for Space.
Too say Lash was excited was an understatement. Butterflies moved around in her stomach as she left the school early that morning to avoid detection from the watchful eyes. Her backpack was filled to the brim with dangerous weapons, spare clothing, bottles of fresh water, and, of course, a week's supply of CalorieMates.
She'd never flown in outer space! And now she had a good reason to go. It was a good thing at least one of them had a bit of experience because Lash was mostly going to do this blindly - she had downloaded some maps and celetial charts, but prayed that whatever ship they'd be hijacking, it at least came with a built in navigation system.
There was a bit of guilt of leaving somewhere without telling Hawke AGAIN, but the message had been utterly clear; tell no one but those involved. As much as she enjoyed not listening to others, this seemed a bit more important than normal. She also still couldn't shake off the feeling that she somehow...knew that voice too.
Hacking into the airport's database was surprisingly simple; opening the control box on a nearby lamppost was easily done by a small shot of her raygun. Barely locked and protected, it's was like they almost wanted her to do it. She stood next to one of the empty gates to wait for the others to arrive, her device in her hands, the system opened up and booting next to her. They'd have to do this all together, or not at all. She couldn't buy them that much time, even if she was very good at what she did.