Who: Prince Poo. Open to anyone and everyone.
What: Mu Meditation!
When: see OOC notes; everything in here will happen between May 20th and June 20th, excluding cruise weekend [May 28th - June 1st]
Where: SBG's main courtyard outside in the sun and rain.
Rating: PG +
Mu meditation log, spring edition!
· This log isn't time sensitive. You pick the time at you/your character's convenience. It can back/futuredated to whenever you want. Poo can be found for about an hour or two in the school's courtyard on weekdays, and at random intervals during the weekends. You don't have to pick a date right now either if you're doing other logs and want to multitask but can't decide when. Poo prefers it to be one person per session, however there can be as many spectators/visitors as you like! Just keep in mind it might accordingly distract the medidator or meditatee, hehe.
· Open to ANYBODY! Students, Faculty, curious passerbys. Just stop by and make a new thread with your character's name/date of choosing if you want to play.
· You do not, in fact, have to meditate in this log. You can come just to chit-chat with that mysterious Asian anonymous guy if you like, that's totally fine too.
· Those of you not familiar [or just plum forgot like I do] with the Mother/Earthbound series, please watch
this handy dandy video for reference on how Mu training works. Your character will sit on the ground cross-legged with Poo and he will give you instructions/disclaimers. Both of them will go into a meditative state, and Poo will break your legs put you through what he went through, basically. This is all in your character's head, they are not actually being hurt, of course. Heck, they might not even get that far and be really bad with the ways of Mu and scream and cry. Maybe they are studious and determined to reach enlightenment. Just think in-character!
· All sessions will be kept confidential by Poo, though he won't be able to control what any witnesses/spectators might say.
· If you pass, Poo gives you a gold star sticker and a kiss on the cheek.
· I don't have to tell you guys this, do I? HAVE FUN!
With spring comes a renewed sense of life; the sun was shining, the temperature was warm and pleasant, flowers were blooming and refreshing rain clouds gathered on the horizon. Meanwhile a mysterious looking Asian boy sat cross-legged in the school's courtyard; eyes closed, palms up, and perfectly still. He did this in varying spots around the school to meditate alone in peace in quiet, but perhaps someone would join him today...