Who: Lash, Jeff, Poo, Paula, Maxwell, Kumatora, Lucas
What: Mysterious calls on Wednesday night lead seven students into hijack a ship to supposedly fight off an evil menace. But there's more than meets the eye...
When: Early Saturday morning.
Where: Final Destination's Airport, Space, and then... ???
Rating: PG -13 for Space.
The intro scrolling text )
Comments 98
He did not like not knowing how to feel about this.
He was sneaking out just before sunrise into a highly guarded Space airport, alone and without permission. He did not even pack a bag, wearing only his tattered cloak, karate uniform and sword of kings sheathed hidden underneath.
What he did know, however, was that he was being propelled by a sense of urgency; that something was apparently a world-saving request and apparently a calling by his name, according to Lash. He would not turn it down, if nothing else than to simply experience the adventure.
Luckily a path was already carved for him by Lash, which he followed from the shadows. He would... for the time being, wait for the others to arrive before making his presence known. Or perhaps someone would spot him perched on top of the lamp post, cloak fluttering in the wind.
On the one hand, it was exciting! Jeff had been to space (finally!) and knew just how amazing the view was, and that this provided ample opportunity to do even more exploring. On the other hand, this was apparently a situation of Dire Peril.
It was strange... He, Paula, and Poo had all been beckoned to save the universe once again, but where was Ness during all this? It felt really weird to have one less person... even if the group amounted to more than four anyway, what were they without the one Jeff naturally looked up to as a leader?
How Jeff got to the airport is best left to the imagination, but it probably involved the Skyrunner. THE POINT IS HE WAS THERE, OKAY. It wasn't long before he joined Lash's side, clutching at his duffel bag filled with small explosives and a few trash snacks.
Oh boy, breaking the law! He was back to being thrilled and scared shitless again. "Hey," he whispered, glancing over his shoulder.
Lash paused and glanced around.
"You're the first to arrive." she explained, giving him the hacking device, and pointing to the 3D models. "I found three ships whose captains either seem to be missing in action, or have not been used for the past month. I thought you might want to look at them, since you'll probably end up driving whatever you pick."
It didn't take too long to find the pair. He approached with a certain amount of apprehension, which was mostly the norm. There was no way this was legal... But there was also no way that Maxwell was about to let them run off unsupervised now that he knew about it.
And, well. Going back to space was certainly a tempting deal.
His attempts at being sneaky and quiet were undoubtedly noticeable, so he simply waved slightly in front of himself when he got near them.
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