Pikmin family finally reunited? The shadow battle against the mauve retaliator!

Feb 28, 2009 14:52

Who: Olimar, Louie, Aviana, Ionia, Stanley, Petunia, Vianca and Hojita. Guest starring Kinoko and a Titan Dweevil (Aparoids)
What: Up against Aparoids that decided to mess with the two leaders' heads.
When: February 28th, outskirts of Final Destination City
Rating: Rated M for MINDFUCK ohshi that was terrible.

Had he not have taken the headset with him, it would be little or no surprise to Olimar if others have assumed he was dead or dying. For the last few days there have been no signs of civil security or a presence of safety, with the exception of those malevolent monsters it's been all too familiar of a feeling. Perhaps because of this, having Louie trailing off not too far behind was enough of a comfort to keep the tired older man out of a complete state of bitter melancholy even with practically every part of him aching from unhealed wounds. They had swept the city looking for the girls, each and every time they were only close to finding them, close but no cigar. Somehow the two have been able to keep themselves alive, Olimar relied on melee, whatever little items like sprays or mini-explosives that can be found or if all fails - the gun Falcon had given him as it apparently had unlimited ammo. (Not like he was much of a shot anyways)

"Louie..." He called behind him, "Do... we have any water on us right now?... We'll have no time to backtrack later on and I really don't want us dying of dehydration of all things..." There was an unfortunately familiar sigh of weariness in his voice.

((This RP is brought to you by Pix's brand titles~!... and us I guess...))

!rp log, olimar (pikmin), louie (pikmin), ionia/blue pikmin (pikmin), hojita/bulbmin (pikmin), * event - the great war

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