Wow..... Wal-Mart = douches. I got a pizza and my friend there told me some good news, and some wth news. His ladyfriend had their first kid together, HOWEVER, while she was out having the baby, my store drew up the papers and MAILED her pink slip. wth.
Procrastinator's day is tomorrow! Major unhappy face here. To add to the pain, the cart pusher's remote is fubar, so either we push the myriad of carts left in the lot by hand, or we try to two man tackle the cart pusher manually. Joy.
Text will be in purple for a reason (that if I can still code ok. ^^;; ) Mom could be frowning at the house right now. I may not be the most "MUST CLEAN NOW!" person on my flist, but ... *shakes head and sighs
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Now that I'm calm in every way I can, I can now speak about my day at work without going off like a loose cannon with a toilet attachment
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No surgery -- IT SAYS ONE PLACE IN THE BOOK! WE HAD NO IDEA THEY WANTED THE OTHER! No cell -- it's broken beyond my fixing. I hope they'll OK the upgrade when I try at work before my shift.