May 10, 2007 00:35
So, I suck at updating..but I think everyone knows that. Heck, even people who don't read this thing know I'm bad at updating this live journal.
So the past could weeks...hmm, what can I say about them? I believe everything has been going well, for the most part. The semester has been winding down, and now it's done. It was a good semester socially, acedemically, and all around. Wednesday was my last final(s) and now I'm done 'til September. And even before that I will be moving into the resident halls up at school. But for right now, for right now..I'm going to sit back, relax and enjoy the time off. I did however get my Recreation 104 final exam grade back...I got a 102 on it. I nearly soiled myself when I saw the grade. So it was a nice way to end the let's see if I'm saying that when I see how I did altogether in classes this semester...and I just checked now and I got a B in my Rec 104 class for my final average for that class.
Tennis is going well. The team is heading off to Texas Saturday morning. I won't be going because I'm not on the starting roster. It sucks that I can't go, but at the same time it gives me that modivation, that push to get better for next season. Even though I don't have to be there at practices because I'm not going to Texas, I still go to get better and attempt to try to stay in a bit of shape. I have started running again though. I've been doing alright with it, but I'm really out of shape and I'm not where I'd like to I just got to work on that. I'll start doing my 300 crunches again in the evenings. We will see how that goes.
In other news..I got a call from Parks and Recreation for working this summer again. I'm happy I am being brought back. More then likely I'll be working at Shea for the 5th summer in a row..and I'm totally content with that. I believe I'm working with Steph again, which I hope. I think working there without her would be too different and I enjoy working with her a lot. The summers wouldn't be the same without her. Yeah..Steph is the shit, end of story. is my birthday and I turn 20 this year. This past year has definatly been a good one. I've done a lot of great things and had a lot of good times since I did this update 365 day ago. Now, like any year, I have to put those experiences behind me. Learn from my mistakes and just learn to love life and such. There have been many highlights this past year. A lot of them actually. I would usually list them, but they are in these entries and I enjoy re-reading them when I get bored/can't sleep.
I hung out with Kristen a lot this past semester and it's been a blast. All the jokes, laughs have been great and I wouldn't trade any of it for the world. I am going to miss her this summer, like I always do. I still love her, a lot. I always have, and every time I see her, I keep falling for her. It's been great hanging out with her and I wouldn't trade them. I miss her a lot. Hell even typing this paragraph out is bringing a smile to my face.
So tonight, before midnight, I went out to Momma Nancy's with Andre, and Meshari and his girlfriend was in town..It was mad fun. We joked, shared storries and just cut up like we usually do. Even though when we did get outside of the diner, they all beat my ass because of my bday. My arms are bruised like hell, but w.e it happens...but man they each hit me 30 times...DAMN! It was mad fun. I enjoy going out with all of them. Dre and I listened to some old school rap on the way there and on the way was classic. MC Hammer, Montell Jordan...afterwards when I just wanted to relax, I listened to some country...not a lot though. Hmm, who got me into country, I wonder?
I've been doing alright. School's done, time to get back into shape. Basketball is starting up in a few months. Work is starting within 2 months and I think it will be a good summer. At the moment now, I'm going to go back to bed. I have nothing planned tomorrow so I think I will just lounge. I'll clean my car, go running for a bit. Smallville is on tomorrow night, good times. I do have practice tomorrow...good times.
Alright, I'm out. Leave something nice for me to read for the morning or whenever. I'll try to update this better. G'night, world. Patrick~