Apr 30, 2007 23:16
Wow, it has been a crazy week and some change....It's been good crazy, not bad crazy...good crazy.
School is almost over, which I think is good. Some of my classes, there are some bumps in the road...it's too hard to say whether I'm going to have a good GPA. I know I'll pass, but I don't know with what. I just want to pass enough so I can play tennis next semester, so here's to hoping. But I'm glad the semester is over next week..well, I'm glad and I'm kinda not looking forward to it. My friend Jason is graduating. I'm happy as all hell for him, but I will miss him. He helped me with a lot of classes and he's been a good buddy to me these past two years. "Shake and Bake."
Outside of school...hmmm, tennis! The team, we won the NJCAA Region III Division III Championship, taking first place in 7 of 9 flights.<----This means we whooped ass, a lot of it..all the ass that was there for whooping. Enough said? Thought so.. So because we won the division, we get to go to Nationals and become national champions. It's almost here. I also played in our last game of the season. I played as the 6 singles player against Adirondack Community College. I did pretty well. I won the best out of three sets 6-3, 4-6. 6-1. <--This is good. So I'm undefeated still, it was an awesome day. Won my first ever collegiate atheltic event, then after the match the team and I went to Olive Garden and I was greedy. It was a great day.
This past weekend I went with my outdoor rec class to High Land Forest for an outdoor camping, spring campout? It was alright. The whole not bathing for 3 days kinda sucked, but it was an alright time. The whole class, we all get along. ASo the weekend was pretty good. Came home Sunday, played cards...I didn't do as well as I was expected to/should have but life went on. After playing cards, Dre and I went over to our friend Arteses'place for a cook-out. It was mad fun. Mad people, BBQ, throwing the football, having the cops of Solvay/Camilius called on us because "we were having a riot," pfft....it was a great night. Alex, thanks again, man.
So in other news..hopefully I'll be working at DCS next fall. I was told I could get my job back during the summer if I wanted to, which I think I might do. I worked well doing the two jobs thing last summer and I won't complain about the money. Plus the people who work their are awesome....Hmmm what else is new in my life. I will hopefully be moving into the resident halls at school with the tennis guys. I registered and everything so here's to hoping. If I do get in, I hope to get a single room, so gotta see with that one.
I've been talking with Kristen and hanging out with her over the past couple of weeks. It's been great. I've enjoyed every second of it. I miss her a lot, but seeing her smile when I first see her in the morning makes the whole day incredible. Hopefully I can spend more time with her and just hang out/chill.
Well, I'm in a great mood. And I will be ending the day with that feeling. I have class in the morning so I want to get some rest, or at least lay down and read. So on that note, leave something nice for me to read..and g'night, world.
.......shake and bake!