A New Year, A New Quarter

Jan 07, 2009 22:08

Christmas Break is finally over and I have to say, THAT IT SUCKS! Break was actually really really awesome this year! Last year I was working so much and my family was working so much that we really didn’t even get a chance to do anything. We got our tree on the 23rd last year. Lol. However, that year was totally different! I still worked a lot, but my hours were awesome and my parents both has two weeks of from work! Therefore, we had time to do a ton of stuff! My family and I stayed up until 3 am almost every single night playing Wii or watching movies :-D it was a blast! My brother and dad and now addicted to Resident Evil, while I’m hooked on Zelda, Mario Cart and improving my super smash skills before the next friend get together. Muhahaha. Lol. (not that I will.. I’ll still suck ass. Lol) Plus, we watched a ton of movies! I can even remember all the movies that I watched this break, that’s how many movies I watched! Lol. Here is a list of just the movies I can remember:

Santa Claus 2
Muppet Christmas
Veggie Tales the pirates who don’t do anything
Miss Congeniality
Eagle Eye
Ghost Town
Mummy 3
Barbie Nutcracker
Barbie Mariposa
Barbie Diamond Castle
Barbie Island princess
Barbie Christmas Carol
Kung Fu panda
Bedtime Stories
Risky Business
Die Hard
Live Free or Die Hard
Johnny Tsunami
Model Behavior
Sense and Sensibility
Batman Begins
Get Smart
Journey to the Center of the Earth

Considering that I haven’t watched that amount of movies in such a short amount of time since…. I don’t even know when! That is quite an impressive list to me. Lol. (not to mention the fact that I watch some of these movies several times. Lol) Other great things I got to do over break were see the Nutcracker with my grandma, go get the tree with my family! (something we haven’t done in two years), I had a holiday party, which was SO much fun! I hope that everyone who came had as much fun as I did because I had a blast! The icing on the cake being, of course, getting the guys to sit through Barbie Nutcracker! (which is actually a very good movie! I even got my mom to watch it finally. Lol. And she has always been a HUGE Barbie movie skeptic. Lol)
So yes, all the pre-holiday and post-holiday events were a ton of fun! Christmas was even extra great this year. At my grandma’s house on Christmas eve it was just Uncle Rob and Aunt Pam, Grandma, and our family. Then on Christmas day, something kinda neat happened. We usually rip through the presents and everyone goes super fast and no one really gets to see what everyone else got. However, this year it was like everyone wanted to take their time and see what everyone else got. It was very relaxed and it made the present opening Christmas morning even more special. Partially because you actually got to see the look on people’s faces when they opened their gifts and then continued to open and play/fiddle with them and partially because instead of the usual 30 minute mayhem, we took two hours. It was nice, spending that extra time gathered around the tree J I don’t know, there was just something really nice about it this year J
Overall, it was a very nice holiday break. Of course, there are always moments are unpleasant memories brought up of people or events, and there are parties that you may not wish to go to but have to anyways. It happens, that’s part of what happens during the holiday season. It is just a matter or focusing on the good and not letting the bad get to you J I swear, I think some people are allergic to the holidays. It is like all these people get deathly ill right around Christmas and as soon as it is over, they’re A OK! My boss at Hallmark is like that. She gets all stressed out and I don’t think she really even likes Christmas time. Then when Christmas is over, it’s like she’s ok again. I feel sad for people like that because it truly is the most wonderful time of the year!
So yup Break is officially over and classes have officially begun. Man, the schedule really sucks balls. I’m not going to lie. Lol. However, I had my schedule T/R done at 2:18 and then at the last minute I got in a the Spanish class taught by my summer spanish professor (best professor at OSU! By far!) and that class is every single day at 2:30 to 3:18. So then I had to rework my school schedule, because lets face it, I’m not driving all the way to campus, taking the bus over and then taking the bus back 45 minutes later and driving home. Nope. Lol. Not going to happen. So I got in a few M/W classes and then I have to still drive down for the one class on Fridays. So yes, This is my scary ass Schedule this Quarter:
M/W English 520 (Shakespeare)
T/R English 201 (Early Brit Lit)
T/R Sociology 597 (Globalization and World Poverty)
T/R English 378 (Film and Lit Shakespeare)
MTWTF Spanish 104
Online History 111 (World History)

T/R 5:30 to Close
F open to 1:30 or 5:30 to Close
S Open to Close (usually a 6 to 8 hour shift)

So yeah. Fathom having that schedule and then get back to me about having such a hard time at OSU. I have English majors who whine about how hard their work load is and they’re only taking 15 credit hours. They have no idea. And I just love people who don’t even work and only take 15 credit hours and then have the nerve to talk about how much work they have and how stressed out they are. I don’t care what your major is, if you can’t even carry a job while in school, don’t bitch to me. Lol. Anywho… So yes. That is my schedule. At the end of winter quarter I will be 32 credits away from graduating! I’ll take 25 credits next quarter and then I’ll go first term summer quarter taking whatever the hell is offered. Lol. And then I’ll be done July 24th! Yipee! So yup. That’s the plan.
By the Way, if anyone ever wants to hang out, I actually have quite a bit of free time on Mondays and Wednesdays so we could do lunch or something. Let me know J

Toodles and Schnoogles,

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