Oreo Cookie Mocha Buzz

Jan 12, 2009 13:52

Oh my gosh. I am So tired. This Schedule is going to be the death of me (or maybe it was staying up late watching the golden globes…hmmm… lol). However, I just got an Oreo Cookie Mocha and that seems to be doing the trick, for now that is. (Which it should! Costing $3.50 for a small!). When the Sugar/Caffeine starts to wear off I’m going to be double tired! AH! Lol. And I have to work tonight… UGH. That is the problem with this schedule. Last quarter I went to school on Tuesdays and Thursdays and worked the other days. I enver had to do both in the same day and that is how I like it. This quarter I don’t have that luxury. I go to School every single day and therefore have to do both. Wah. Lol. (I know I know, I have it SO hard… lol).
So far through, classes seem to be going really well. Except for English 201, which is going to be boring no matter how hard a professor tries. UGH. Brit Lit is such a bore. Minus Shakespeare, Austen and Rowling of course. lol. Otherwise… Snooze fest! (of course there are some other minuet exceptions, such as Tennyson’s Lady of Shalott, but as a whole…Brit Lit SUCKS). Anywho…. Lol. Classes do seem to be going really well. Where as last quarter I was already dreading every single class and already knew I was going to hate the quarter! So yes. A big improvement. Lol. I know this sounds really really stupid and bizarre but I can read the vibes of a classroom and know exactly how the class is going to be and how I’m going to do in it. I think that is why I like online classes. There is no vibe. Just me doing my thing at my own pace. This whole vibe reading thing doesn’t just go for classrooms though, I do the same thing with people, animals, etc. yes. I’m a freak or just completely delusional. Lol. Which ever it is, it isn’t good. Lol.
Anywho… I’ll tell you what I am REALLY enjoying so far! I am taking Hatha Yoga with my mom at the Westerville Community Center and I LOVE it so far. It is a real slow paced, relaxing yoga and at the end there is a deep relaxation (meditation) and I just love it! I am also taking a flex class, the jury is still out on that one. However, it was ok yesterday so I think I’ll end up liking it. Lol. I really want to take Tai Chi at OSU but I won’t be able to get it into my schedule spring quarter. Therefore, my only hope is summer quarter, which probably won’t happen. Oh well, there is a Tai Chi Society based right in Westerville, I could always take classes with them. (I just won’t get credit for doing it! Lol)
I really can’t wait for Summer though. I mean, sure, it’s pretty scary thinking about graduating from college. I’ll no longer be on my parents insurance, I’ll have to get a big girl job, and hell, I’m planning to fly to another country for a year! Lol. But I really can’t even imagine being at OSU for two more years. I would KILL myself. I really do hate OSU. I know a ton of people love it, but I’m not a ton of people. I don’t live on campus, I don’t enjoy having to go to class, having a professor tell me what I’m supposed to think, having to pay hundreds of dollars for books every 10 weeks and I especially don’t enjoy having everything be about grades. Class isn’t about learning. It is about earning a good grade. After all, it’s all about the GPA and test scores isn’t it? Well, that’s what the University system wants you to think. The professors certainly feel that way. (most of them do at least. Sure, they teach and everything. However, why do they teach? So you can get good grades and they can take the credit for it. School is nothing but a big system, it hasn’t been about learning for years!
Wow, I really do get on tangents don’t I? lol. It just goes to show how much I truly do despise OSU. Like I said, this quarter isn’t so bad so far. I really like Sociology (I actually missed that class today. I kept thinking it was Tuesday and was disappointed when I didn’t have to go. Lol) and I always love anything that has to do with film. So Yup. This was a pretty useless entry. Lol. Fueled by my oreo cookie mocha I suppose ;-) lol.

Toodles and Schnoogles,

Slytherin Queen
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