Hate Potions: Help in a Bottle/Loophole/Reaction and Action (Blaise/Padma)

Feb 11, 2008 11:29

Disclaimer: the characters belong to JK Rowling.

Challenge: #19, Hate Potion.
Characters/Pairings: Blaise, Theo, Padma, Roger Davies (mentioned). Mentions of Roger/Padma and Blaise/Padma.
Wordcound: 100 words x 3 drabbles.
Rating: Pretty much PG.
Notes: 1. First post here. Hello all! I filled out my introduction survey, if you are curious. 2. The three drabbles are relating to the same situation, but could be read independently I think, so... Well, I gave them each a title, I guess I meant to say. 3. Unbetaed, I'm afraid.

Help in a Bottle
Blaise banishes the scrolls away from his bed and leans back, arms crossed behind his head. In his mind, images of Padma Patil dance - the mixture of mirth and warmth in her eyes whenever she laughs, the gracefulness of her every move, and that time, once, when he caught her in the Library, eyes closed, trying to memorize something she had just read.

Admittedly, she is seeing stupid Roger Davies these days. But, clenching his hand around the phial his mother sent him, Blaise is confident that she will soon realise the unsuitability of the Quidditch captain as a boyfriend.

~ O ~

Seeing the familiar scrolls of Hogwarts' Rules & Regulations (complete edition - updated June 1994) on top of Blaise's trunk, Theo smiles. Sitting on the corner of his friend's bed, he rouses him out of his reverie.

"Oy! What is it this time?" asks Theo, nodding towards the parchments.

"Uh? Oh, that… Just checking the paragraph about Love Potions."

"They are forbidden here, that's for sure."

"Yes, thank you ever so much," sneers Blaise. "But did you know that Hate Potions aren't? Terrible oversight from the Governors, if you want my opinion," mock-laments Blaise, twirling his phial between thumb and index.

~ O ~

Reaction and Action.
The potion doesn't disappoint, neither does Padma's reaction. In a display that ends all speculation on whether the Ravenclaw Prefect is a hot-tempered girl or not, the whole school is informed of Davies' every fault, real or perceived.

Two hours later, having let to Padma time enough to calm down, and to the Potion twice the time to wear off, Blaise excuses himself from Theo's company to go in search of the gorgeous Ravenclaw.

As Theo asks him how he intends to proceed, Blaise winks, and deadpans, "Potions aren't my only strength, you know; I also know something about charm…"

What? No tag for Theo?

char: blaise, author: benebu, char: padma, char: theodore, prompt: hate potion

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