Plug: Publish your original fiction in 100 words or less

Feb 11, 2008 14:58

Heard of this opportunity via musemuggers
If any of you heard of publishing opportunities like this, do let me know so everyone else can benefit =)


Become a Flashshooter!

"Bet you can't submit just one!"

New limit, effective November 15, 2005: up to 100 words.

Fiction: horror, mystery, fantasy, SF, humor. Absolutely NO poetry. If you have something else in 100 words or less that you want me to see, try me! Reprints are fine, so long as you own the rights and tell us where they previously appeared. Submit up to three stories, and then wait until the last story is about to appear before sending up to three more.

What you get!

FLASHSHOT is not a paying market, but there are many good reasons to submit. You can use the brief bio that accompanies each story to promote whatever books or publications you wish. Exposure in FLASHSHOT can bring your work to the attention of anthologists and other editors looking for new talent. You may purchase an ad promoting your latest book to run below the FLASHSHOT for a certain number of days (check with GW Thomas for details).

The Nitty Gritty!

Format: Your story must be attached as a separate document in either Word DOC or RTF. Single space, using a 12-point font. I prefer Times New Roman, but if you use any other readable 12-point font, I'll accept it and convert it. Use italics where needed. No headers or footers, please! Word count belongs in the cover e-mail, not on the document.

Starting in upper left corner:

TITLE (in caps, no underlining)
by (author's name)
[Skip a line]
Story: Either indent for each new paragraph OR skip a line, but not both!
[Skip a line]
BIO: (in third person, 2 or 3 brief sentences to publicize your other work, give your background, comment on the story, or whatever you wish)
Cover E-mail: Subject line should read "Submission" followed by the title of your story. You may attach up to three stories to a single e-mail, so long as they are separate documents and each contains the bio information at the bottom. Do not repeat the story or bio in the e-mail. The message need not be fancy, just a friendly greeting along with your word count.

Response Time: I'm usually pretty fast with an acceptance, rejection, or follow-up questions. Expect to hear from me within a few days.

NOTICE: I don't like pseudonyms, because they create problems in editing Flashshots. I will accept your pseudonym, but only if you follow these rules: 1. Only one pseudonym per person, to be identified as such in the cover e-mail, so that I always know with whom I'm dealing. 2. As long as you are using a pseudonym, you may NOT submit under your own or any other name. 3. Do NOT try to shift back and forth between your real name and your pseudonym, or your work will be rejected.

Send to Esther Schrader at

(X-posted @ mukashi2)

[mod post], [plug]

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