something to believe in {meredith, alex}

May 10, 2009 13:20

Fic post numero uno of the day -- there should be more, if the muse cooperates.

Title: Something To Believe In
Fandom: Grey's Anatomy
Characters/Pairings: Meredith, Alex.
Rating: PG
Word Count: 532
Author's Note: Completely based off of this picture, which appears to be a deleted scene. Thanks to darkandtwisty02 for bringing it to my attention.
Summary: Spoilers for 5.22 - What A Difference A Day Makes. They never were people who followed the rules -- why start now.

When she starts down the aisle, everyone’s eyes turn to her. Her footsteps aren’t backed by music, and she certainly isn’t walking with any sense of grace, but all eyes are still locked on hers. She finds Derek, near the front, giving him a nod and a smile, and then picks up the pace, heading not to the bride’s side of the altar, but the groom’s.

“Izzie said you wanted me,” Meredith says, voice low enough that no one past the first row could probably hear her, if that. Alex nods, an uneasy smile starting on his face. There’s terror behind that; she doesn’t need to see it in order to know it’s there. “You know, I think the best man is kind of supposed to be a guy.”

“Like we ever followed rules.” He replies, and she gives him a smile before she goes to stand by his side, taking her place, even though they’ve still got a few minutes before Izzie is going to walk down that aisle.

Alex grabs her wrist before she can go far, pulling her back to him, and her immediate instinct is that this is where he’s going to freak out. This is where he’s going to have his second thoughts, and this is where he needs her to tell him that this is going to be okay, Izzie’s going to be okay, and he’s doing the right thing. Because these are thoughts that Alex doesn’t have, unless he’s with her. She understands that more and more.

But it isn’t terror that comes to the forefront, and he doesn’t ask if he’s making a mistake. Instead he locks eyes with her, as he tells her, “Thank you.”

Meredith thinks he’s talking about a lot of things. The wedding, being the best man, maybe being there at all. She gets the impression that the kind of relationship that they have, one where they can say anything, no matter how dark or wrong it is, and still expect the other person to understand it, or at the very least forgive them of it, isn’t one that he’s accustomed to, maybe even one that he’s ever had before.

“Always,” she breathes, before she knows she’s going to say anything other than ‘you’re welcome’. He gets it though, because he nods, slow, and her lips turn up at the corners and she has to break eye contact with him for a second.

That’s when she notices that his tie is just a little off, and her hand comes up to straighten it. His own comes up to cover hers a second before she’s about to pull back, and they stay like that, for a moment, standing there with her hand against the silk of his tie, against his chest, and his warm hand covering hers, and it’s the first time that she sees a smile that she can believe come across his face.

Something flickers in her, something like pride, as he releases her and she steps back, one last look and a “now let’s do this thing.”

The music starts a moment later, and she knows from the looks on their faces that she did the right thing.

character: ga: alex, fandom: grey's anatomy, !fic, character: ga: meredith

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