in which i talk about fandom

May 06, 2009 14:54

1) The BSG marathon on Sci-Fi is making me nostalgic for the earlier seasons, because Season 4? Is not happy making. At all. And I'm probably turning this off when the finale comes on because it's much easier to remain in my happy place if I still pretend the last 30 mins did not happen. This all of course leads me to remember why I just bought Season 2.0 off of Amazon (for half-price nonetheless).

2) In addition, writing Jack/Sawyer/Claire while watching BSG? Does not work well.

3) The cover of this week's TV Guide makes me happy, even if it is airbrushed to ridiculous levels (but so is everything else these days).

4) The Lost cast is strange. And by strange I mean not as...cohesive perhaps as certain other casts (BSG for example). Because I get the impression that maybe they don't get along that fabulously, they just don't make the news 24/7 like Grey's. I've thought that for awhile, and then I read the Terry O'Quinn/Michael Emerson article (it is beyond strange that those two are friends, given the show, but, you know, that's exactly the reason I shouldn't be surprised) in TV Guide, and this quote from Terry "...ask whether he misses any of his killed-off castmates. Some, for sure, but "half the time when we worked we'd be grumpy and pissed off at each other"" just doesn't sound like a fantastic little work environment over there. No matter how long the days are.

Point being: actors who maybe don't get along so well, kind of shows on screen, and I've always thought the chemistry between a few of the characters has been going slowly downhill for a few years, and I almost think that correlates with various issues they seem to be having with the parade of DUIs, and "i'm kind of done with this show" type comments that have been said/rumored.

5) Can we all cross our fingers that Friday is NOT Dollhouse's last episode? Because I actually like that show now (and I didn't for about the first three or four episodes, so it has gotten better, for all of you who dropped out early).
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