in which i talk about fandom

May 06, 2009 14:54

1) The BSG marathon on Sci-Fi is making me nostalgic for the earlier seasons, because Season 4? Is not happy making. At all. And I'm probably turning this off when the finale comes on because it's much easier to remain in my happy place if I still pretend the last 30 mins did not happen. This all of course leads me to remember why I just bought ( Read more... )

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Comments 17

zelda_zee May 6 2009, 19:34:16 UTC
Re: the Lost cast - remember back in the beginning when they seemed to have so much fun together? The cast really seemed to jell at that point and there were tons of photos from the set and parties and stuff where it seemed like they were enjoying each other's company. I miss that. Of course, most of those actors are no longer on the show. I imagine the insecurity of never knowing when you'll be axed must affect the actor's attitudes.


slybrunette May 6 2009, 19:42:16 UTC
I remember all the pictures that came out of the first Golden Globes party, first Emmy's, and SAGs, and even like screenings and DVD releases. All the shots of Foxy and Josh and Dom, with the big smiles, from I don't remember when. You can barely get any of these people in the same shot anymore, it's sad.

But you're right, it probably has a hell of a lot to do with two or three people dying a season. That has to suck. And that has to make people bitter/jealous.


inthekeyofd May 6 2009, 20:56:54 UTC
You know, I'm totally not surprised about the Lost cast, I mean, they all started out really friendly, but I think as time went by and storylines got cut or more, those "bonds" were totally pushed to the limit.

I think the environment of being put in a "jungle" and the heat and the never ending twists and turns and trying to get a handle on the character may have hurt them as well.


slybrunette May 6 2009, 21:01:19 UTC
You would thing that, if things were going well, people would only grow closer. Apparently not. But it must suck with everyone being threatened with less screen time and being killed off. Circumstances could explain it but still...


fox1013 May 6 2009, 22:14:21 UTC
Plz to explain basically everything you said about Lost here? :D? :D?


slybrunette May 7 2009, 20:52:03 UTC
Basically the cast used to like each other and now they pretty seem to avoid each other at all costs. And it's kind of sad, because they used to seem at least friendly with each other. And it's also kind of taking a serious toll on the chemistry on this show because, for the most part, everything seems awkward and forced between certain people.

It might help if they'd stop killing three people a season.


blood_on_thorns May 7 2009, 00:59:29 UTC
I'm right there with you on the Dollhouse love. I haven't even watched the last episode that aired because I can't stand the idea of not being able to watch the second half right away.

Of course, I partially blame Joss and Eliza for being dumb enough to entrust this brilliant, complex, twisty roller coaster ride brainchild of theirs to FOX, of all networks. After Tru Calling and Firefly? That was their bad.

I've got my fingers, toes, and eyes crossed that someone at Fox has at least one active brain cell and keeps this show on the air for a second season.


slybrunette May 7 2009, 20:55:03 UTC
The last episode was awesome, I'll tell you that right now.

And yeah, Fox is pretty much where shows go to die, but I'm still trying to be hopeful. There's still a chance.


bachlava May 7 2009, 01:13:11 UTC
I definitely get the impression, with a few friendly-or-more dynamics excepted, that the Lost cast are not thrilled with each other or with the overall situation. Though with the dispersal factor alone it can't be as bad as the discreet-but-intense loathing that seemed to exist between David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson in the X-Files days... in all fairness, the vast majority of that was probably Duchovny's fault, hot as he was. ;)


slybrunette May 7 2009, 21:18:59 UTC
Yeah, I get that impression too -- very sad :/


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