two mark/lexie ficlets + one alex/lexie ficlet

May 11, 2009 21:27

I did promise a second fic post yesterday. I made it, two actually, just not here. Instead I've been writing for the Mark(/or)Lexie ficathon that the fantastic abvj is holding. Because this is what I do in between finishing up the rest of the Support Stacie ensemble fic from Thursday (which will have an epilogue if this works out that will put it at four parts), AND an Alex/Izzie fic that is...very long at the moment. So here's what I managed yesterday/today:

the sex tape incident, mark/lexie, pg-13
technicalities, mark/lexie, pg-13
mistakes we knew we were making, alex/lexie, r

I'll have something more substantial up tomorrow. Until then, happy Monday!

ship: ga: mark/lexie, character: ga: alex, !fic, character: ga: lexie, character: ga: mark, ship: ga: alex/lexie

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