(no subject)

Oct 31, 2007 07:08

Title: Superstition
Fandom: Lost
Characters/Pairings: Sun, Jack.
Word Count: 590
Rating: PG
Author's Note: For
Summary: The thing about the island that she was never quite able to understand was where all the animals came from. And now there were cats. Black cats.

The thing about the island that she was never quite able to understand was where all the animals came from. The boars she got, it was completely possible that they were native to - wherever they were, somewhere in the south Pacific. The various birds were acceptable too, even the one that Hurley claimed had said his name. It’s everything else that bothers her.

There should not, for any reason whatsoever, be polar bears on a tropical island. Ever. Not to mention the black horse that Kate claimed to have seen in the jungle, which she only alluded to. Every time Sun brought it up again Kate changed the subject or saw something interesting down the beach or just ignored her completely, which really was unlike Kate.

And now there were cats.

Not just a random tabby cat running around the island either. There were at least two of them. And they were black cats.

Enough exposure to Western cultures and she knew that they could be considered either good luck or bad luck, depending on where you lived. And, this being the island where there were a wide range of things that were just bad in general made her want to err on the side of caution.

She brings it up to Jack, if only because she knows that he won’t laugh at her when she does. “I’ve seen cats on the island.”

He furrows his brow and asks, “Are you sure you’ve been getting enough sleep lately? You know you need to rest more because of the baby.”

“I’m not hallucinating Jack.” She tells him, firmly. “Unless you think that Sayid, Kate and Sawyer were as well when they saw that bear.”

Jack studies her for a second and then nods his head. “No, I believe you. Where did you see these cats?”

“In the jungle. Once by the tree line.” She pauses. “And they’re black cats.”

“Alright.” He says, as if that piece of information is more or less insignificant.

“That doesn’t bother you?” She asks.

He shakes his head. “They’re just cats. They’re not going to hurt anyone.”

“Black cats are bad luck in some cultures.” Sun reminds him, softly, and even though she used to not buy into superstition her views on a lot of things have changed since she crashed on this island.

“You don’t believe that do you?”

“Even if I didn’t don’t you think it’s odd that we have so many animals here that don’t belong?” He frowns, doesn’t seem to quite understand what she’s getting at. “Like the polar bears?”

“The Others were doing some kind of tests on animals here.” He tells her, by way of explanation. “When they took us they held us in cages that they used to hold the bears in. It’s perfectly reasonable that they might have been testing cats as well.”

“It just...doesn’t seem right. They’re too domestic. It’s like testing Vincent.” She tells him, with a frown.

Jack shrugs. “Maybe they were someone’s pet.”

“Maybe.” She murmurs, just as someone calls Jack over and he gives her an apologetic look before running off to attend to someone else’s problems. She watches him go and finds that she’s not the only one who is as she catches Juliet’s eyes lingering on him.

The mental image, and the implications she gets from it (because she’s seen the witches flying on broomsticks with their evil black cats in movies before), of Juliet with a bunch of black cats is something she definitely plans to share with Kate later.

fandom: lost, !fic, challenge: fic or treat

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