(no subject)

Oct 31, 2007 07:06

Title: Making Up For Lost Time
Fandom: Lost
Characters/Pairings: Jack/Kate (implied)
Word Count: 454
Rating: PG-13 
Author's Note: For
Summary: Post-island AU. Jack had insisted on getting a pumpkin their first Halloween together.

Jack had insisted on getting a pumpkin their first Halloween together. She’d gone along with him and watched him buy this huge pumpkin and tried to stop from laughing when he attempted to figure out where to put it once they got it home (she hadn’t succeeded).

And then there was the issue of carving it.

Kate thinks he must have sat there with that freaking pumpkin, marker poised to draw but never quite making contact with the surface of said pumpkin, for at least half an hour, probably more. Because Jack was a perfectionist and that pumpkin was going to look damn near perfect if he had his way.

She made dinner (but Jack was the cook, not her, so that was more or less half-assed) and toasted the pumpkin seeds and by the time that was all said and done he had still yet to make a single mark with that marker, not to mention start carving it.

“It’s not going to carve itself.” She told him, a gentle push for him to just do it. “It doesn’t have to be perfect. It’s just a pumpkin.”

He never looked at her, just kept his eyes on the pumpkin, studying it. “You know my dad never bought into it. He wasn’t even into holidays really, least of all Halloween.”

“You didn’t go trick or treating?” Kate asked, taking a seat in the chair across from him. She’d had a shitty childhood, and even she had gone at least once or twice.

“No.” He shakes his head. “No, I was doing homework.”

She frowned, some of this making a bit more sense now. “My dad took me when I was real young. Or Sam did anyway. Wayne wasn’t really into that, but I used to go out to friend’s parties when I was a teenager.” He nods, but still doesn’t look at her. “I’m guessing you didn’t carve pumpkins or hand out candy either.”

“Definitely not.”

Which is why Jack was sitting there, overanalyzing what he was about to do in much the same way as he made the decisions about where to live (caves or beach) and whether or not someone could be trusted. This was not quite at the same level of importance. “That doesn’t mean you have to make up for lost time you know. There will be other Halloweens if this one isn’t perfect.”

Now he looked at her, really looked at her, and smiled because there would be next year and the year after that and it would still be the two of them. “I know.”

“Good.” She licks her lips, and leans forward. “Now are you going to carve that thing or do I have to take over?”

ship: lost: jack/kate, fandom: lost, !fic, challenge: fic or treat

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