(no subject)

Oct 31, 2007 07:04

Title: Running With Knives
Fandom: Grey's Anatomy
Characters/Pairings: Alex/Izzie
Word Count: 502
Rating: PG
Author's Note: For
Summary: Alex and Izzie find themselves carving pumpkins for yet another Halloween.


Alex looks over from the pumpkin in front of him, knife poised like he’s going to attack it (which technically he is, but only in order to carve it). “What?”

“Pumpkin guts. Very slimy.” She says with a frown as she walks very carefully around the trash can like it’s going to either bite or jump out at her. Either way it’s pretty amusing.

“Whereas actual guts don’t bug you, Dr. Stevens.” He replies, putting emphasis on the ‘doctor’ part. It’s kind of hard for him to get grossed out by anything at this point with as many surgeries as he’s seen or taken part in.

“Shut up. This is different.” She tells him, settling herself down in the chair next to him, studying his work even though, as it stands, the pumpkin only has one eye since she interrupted him before he could finish. “Standard pumpkin face?”

“If by that you mean geometric shapes then yes. And being that I’m not using a stencil for this,” he gives her a pointed look because he remembers last year and her little masterpiece that only took three hours, “I don’t think I’m doing a bad job.”

“Someone’s gotten cocky.” She mutters, even though she’s smiling as she leans imperceptibly closer to him.

She’s picking on him apparently, and he glances at the knife and then at her like he could do some serious damage, a movement which only earns him an eye roll and a ‘yeah right’ look. “You want to try?”

“No.” She sinks back in her seat again, and he starts carving again, her eyes still on him. Amazingly, somehow, he manages not to mess up. That’s one of the good things about being a surgeon: steady hands.

When he’s finished he slants it toward her, picking up the cut out shapes and tossing them in the trash. “Good enough?”

Izzie sizes it up, all mock-serious, and then nods. “Good enough, I guess.” And she may be joking, but he is too when he reminds her of the knife he’s still holding. “Like you could catch me.”

He raises an eyebrow.

“If we run with knives in this house Meredith is going to kill us--” she begins.

“If we don’t kill each other,” he finishes, and she smiles. “Plus that wouldn’t make us very good doctors if we’re creating injuries instead of fixing them.”

“We’re also supposed to be working tonight and look how well that worked out.” She reminds him. “That would technically also make us bad doctors.”

“Screw ‘em.” He says, carelessly, even though she gets the feeling one or both of them will get chewed out by someone tomorrow. But she doesn’t really care about that either, not tonight anyway. Tonight they’re handing out candy and carving pumpkins and probably scaring the shit out of themselves with whatever scary movie is playing (she knows they freak him out a bit too, even if he won’t admit it). “It’s Halloween.”

She can’t help but echo his sentiments.

ship: ga: alex/izzie, fandom: grey's anatomy, !fic, challenge: fic or treat

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