(no subject)

Oct 31, 2007 07:10

Title: Family's Not Always About Blood Ties
Fandom: Grey's Anatomy
Characters/Pairings: Meredith, Cristina, mentions of Lexie
Word Count: 474
Rating: PG
Author's Note: For
Summary: It has to mean something that the one person Meredith needs is also the most emotionally distant person she can find.

Meredith had always wondered what it would be like to have a sister. Most of her friends in school had siblings and there wasn’t a single one of them who didn’t have some complaint at one point or another. Be it that their siblings were always getting in trouble and shifting the blame onto them, or their clothes kept getting mysteriously stolen; the general consensus seemed to be voiced in the casual, “you’re so lucky you’re an only child Meredith.”

She didn’t call it lucky. She had a father who left and a mother who cared more about her career than her own daughter. Meredith was lonely, more often than not, and sometimes she wished she had someone who cared, whether it was because they had to or not. She wanted someone to talk to, someone who wasn’t just her group of friends that she hung out with on a Saturday night.

Fast forward several years and not only does she find herself with two half sisters she hadn’t known about until very recently but she’s stuck working with one of them. And Lexie tries, she does, and they manage to not get in each other’s way and find some sort of common ground but Meredith doesn’t feel a bond with Lexie anymore than she does with Callie. Lexie is just there and she’s someone who Meredith works with and occasionally talks with. She’ll never really be anything more than that.

It’s too bad too, because Lexie is that kind of sweet, good girl who might be a good influence on dark and twisty Meredith and who might just be there if Meredith needed her. But she doesn’t need her and maybe it’s more that she doesn’t need that type of person than anything else.

It has to mean something that the one person that Meredith needs is also the most emotionally distant person that she can find. Because if she’s having a bad day or can’t make a decision it’s Cristina that she goes to and she’s spent more nights sleeping in the same bed as Cristina than hours spent talking to Lexie.

The feeling must be mutual too, she thinks, because Cristina doesn’t hug and she doesn’t cry but when Meredith lays her head against Cristina’s shoulder she neither flinches nor pulls away and it was Cristina who was standing over her with tear-stained cheeks when she came to after almost dying.

For good or for bad Meredith’s pretty sure that her and Cristina have crossed the boundary of friendship and ended up somewhere else. They’re like sisters, she likes to think, as she rolls onto her side and away from the sleeping body next to her, and these are the slumber parties that they never got to have.

When she thinks about it like that, she doesn’t feel so alone anymore.

fandom: grey's anatomy, !fic, challenge: fic or treat

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