Dec 02, 2006 20:30
I feel like I'm far away and floating. It's a combination of the pain haze from the first day of my period, the medicine haze, the not enough sleep haze, the sleeping at weird hours haze, and the not enough food haze. I need desperately to write my final paper and dye my hair but I'm not sure if attempting either is a good idea. I stayed up all night rereading The Time Traveler's Wife, slept for a few hours, woke up and read more, went back to sleep... rinse and repeat.
That book rocks my mind. I can spend hours trying to put the pieces together and just when I think I have, I remember something about it that I've forgotten to consider. It's one of the few books that I don't just enjoy reading but that I want to burrow into and surround myself with. The first time I read it was on my trip back to the US from studying abroad, which was one of the most surreal experiences of my life. That may have something to do with it. It also might be because time travel is "one of my turn-ons", according to my best friend. She's right but that's besides the point.
I have so many thoughts darting around my head right now that trying to capture one, tie it down, and dissect it seems cruel. Like I'd be removing it from its companions, the place where it's happy. I want to cry or jump out my window or go skinny dipping or meditate or break down laughing. Maybe all of the above. I feel reckless and exhausted and amazingly happy and everything in between. The question is, if I do something in this state will I regret it? And will I mourn the lost opportunity if I don't?