(no subject)

Nov 28, 2017 21:33

I want to fall down a well of self love
I want to drown in acceptance
I want to wake laughing and cuddle myself to sleep
I want to live an enduring hug I want my 30s to be a long hallelujah
I want to breathe using all of my lungs and all of my tummy and all of my bottom and all of my legs and feet and toes
I want to be open again like a memory that takes a breath after holding it on a dare
I want to look at the wind like I look at myself like I look at my best friend like I look at my grandmother
I never feel alone I'm always here
I want to converse with myself I want to let the ache out of the muscles that have been holding me safe for all these years
All these years
All these years
I want to be a still, cool pond in the summer I'm ready now to be still
I want to be the sun and the birds and the dirt under my feet
And every sadness and every sorry and every awkwardness I want to hold its hand on the playground
I want my feet to move fast and to be spread through the moment like slow honey
I want to stop forgetting what it's like to know myself
I want to read the love note I wrote to myself at 3 I want to kiss my face touch my own skin name myself
I want to unend it
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