D.C. Part Two

Dec 03, 2007 12:14

Next morning I woke up when my alarm went off, right at 5:00. I was so tired, though, that even though I sat up in bed and began rubbing my eyes, I just fell back against my pillow and right back asleep. The van for the trip was to leave at 6:10, they said, and if we weren't on it we just wouldn't be going. Next thing I knew someone was knocking on my door. I dragged myself out of bed and answered it. It was one of the RAs who was leading the trip.

"Almost ready to go?" she asked. I checked the clock. It was 6:05. Not only had I not showered or changed, I was not finished packing. I had a mild heart attack and then assured her that yes, I was almost read to go. The moment the door was closed I began a frenzied dance of combined getting dressed and packing. Never before have I and never since will I prepare for an over night trip so quickly. I made it downstairs in time and we all piled into the van. It was a tight squeeze and the only way I could sleep was to bend down so my head was between my knees. I managed to doze off, though, and didn't wake up until the sun was coming up.

Clara and I listened to her iPod. I was introduced to some very good songs, but we were squeezed so tightly that I couldn't even manage to take a picture. Eventually we made it to...

...the metro station! No one was really awake, but we were feeling better. Clara and I sang Queen and danced around.

Once we had all bought our Metro passes we piled on the train itself. There was excitement in the air. I had been to D.C. many times, but always with my parents. It was totally new to be going with friends.

Clara, Kathryn and I carried on interesting conversations about how much we love airports and enjoyed the scenery we whipped by.

We also proved how dorky we are when we did this everytime the train went through a tunnel.

The train ride seemed to last forever.

The sky was so beautiful all day. Every time I turned around it was different and more lovely. It almost made me made because I couldn't capture every nuance in a photo.

Finally we made it to our stop- only to find out that, in fact, we were just switching trains. I love metro stations and riding the trains, but I was really looking forward to walking around the city.

On the train we witnessed this unfortunate fashion choice. Her face was day-glo orange from a fake tan.

At long last we reached our stop, as signified by the conductor mumbling "blonian" over the speaker system. We were at the Smithsonian. They had a really cool exibit of environmentally friendly homes that our group decided to explore tomorrow.

The day was so pretty and we were really happy. I think I snapped a picture of everything I saw, haha.

Once we reached the Smithsonian Castle we had a group meeting. The twelve of us split in to two groups- our group was Clara, April, Kate and myself. The RAs went with the other group. We said our goodbyes and then started off on our respective adventures!

Thus ends part two.

d.c., pictures

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