(no subject)

Dec 07, 2007 16:30

Our group planned on visiting the Lincoln and surrounding monuments and then visiting the White House before heading back to the Smithsonian Castle for a group meetup. Clara and I were having a lot of fun, singing "Don't Stop Me Now" and dancing down the street. Kate turned to her and made a weird face.
"Clara?" she asked.
"Uh, yeah?"
"Have you ever been quiet for, like, ten minutes?" Clara, Kathryn, April and I stared at each other. This was not a question we were prepared for.
"Do you think we could try it today?" We just about fell over. The weirdest part was how her voice was really polite, but the words were pure bitch.
"Nope, I don't think so."

In an effort to diffuse a little tension I took...

...jumping pictures! Poor Clara has a chronic leg injury, but she still jumped really well.

First up is the Washington Memorial. I've seen it a million times but it still impresses me every time.

I took a great deal of random pictures of people and things happening in the city. Be warned.

The sky remained gorgeous.

Kate was just going on and on about things we could care less about. I was becoming pretty mad and had to distract myself by taking pictures of that cool tree and people. Funny how the pictures don't show all the tension that was boiling between us and Kate. Ugh.

The WWII Memorial. It was built after the last time I was in D.C. It is so gorgeous!

Now there is this cool walkway between the reflecting pool and WWII memorial.

And from it, you can take cool pictures like those^...

...or that. The water looks so gorgeous, but up close?


April's jumps are intense. She stays in the air for the loooongest time.

This water is so pretty. I love those little wavy water shadow things.

Haha we never take normal smiling pictures.


Okay, and now a break before the next part.


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