
Dec 02, 2007 20:40

Okay, so I know I said that I had a lot more pictures to upload and blah blah but life got complicated and I lost track of which ones I had yet to upload. SO instead of just picking random pictures, I'll tell the story of our Washington D.C. trip. This is part one: the night before.

We picked out semi-matching outfits and did our makeup. We were going to take pictures and goof off and just generally have a good time, completely ignoring the fact that we would have to get up at 5:00 the next morning.

We started out in the hallway, taking "runway" pictures like losers, but that got old pretty quickly. There weren't too many good photo places in the dorm, so we went outside.

You can't tell in the picture, but on the other side of that stone wall thing is a huge drop. We would set the timers on our cameras and then run and jump up on the wall, praying that we wouldn't fall and die. It took us a million takes to get this serious picture. All the others turned out like this:

We went into Sarah and April's room to watch the latest episode of Supernatural, and then began playing with April's mac. I know some of these photobooth pictures have been posted before, but I like them. So.

Clara and I had brushed our hair forward to give ourselves "skater bangs". By this point we were pretty hyped up on chocolate, pictures, and how late it was. It was around midnight.

This picture looks like Clara is back to back with herself, but actually it's my body and her head! I'm leaning forward- you can tell if you examine the bewb placement.

We went out in the lounge to see what was on TV and whadya know! Goldfinger!

I was too hyper to not multi-task, and my camera was brand new so I cam-whored.

Tried to make a fish face and failed... I settled for a Derek Zoolander face.

Finally the movie ended and we stumbled off to bed at around two in the morning. I was dead tired.

d.c., pictures

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