Moving Moving Moving

Aug 19, 2008 17:19

I can't believe I move in on Saturday. I'm nervous, and nothing really seems to be certain. I can't imagine myself in any other college setting than Baldwin, but i hated it there. And I haven't packed at all, mostly out of denial. This is what I wanted-what I still want, and I should be use to pre-change jitters by now but I'm not.

So some moving out pictures, in memory of Baldwin I guess?

I think I'd be happy to never see a cardboard box again. A lot of the things I packed are still in boxes, waiting to go to my new dorm.

Well, I'm a little bit excited about this dorm because it's on the fourth floor and I might have a good view of the quad.

Goodbye, snacks.

Goodbye, hallway. I had some good times in you. I hope none of the new freshman track dog doo on your floors.

Sweet Briar here I come. Yipee.


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