It's finally raining!

Aug 27, 2008 09:08

Classes haven't really started yet, so I still feel a bit out of the groove, and it doesn't help that I don't like my roomate and feel kind of numb. The girls on my hall are nice, but we don't really connect.

Anyway, my laptop needs to be fixed up, which means two weeks at HP, which means last picture post for a while. Not that I've never gone longer than two weeks before posts.

I love these old fashion summer roses.

Our bordercollie Tess likes to climb in that bush to sniff at the groundhog under the gazebo, and she usually gets her fur tangled in the thorns and has to be helped out by us.

What is happening to my neck?

I want a macro lense quite badly. This picture could have been much better.

Sometimes I love Virginia


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