(no subject)

Aug 08, 2008 13:33

Well, I'm back home. It wasn't as relieving as I thought, but whatever. At least I have internet from my laptop again.

Girl in the red shorts? Craziest, most infuriating English classmate I've ever had the displeasure of knowing.

I hated that school but goddamn it was picturesque.

I was experimenting with contrast levels, but none of these looked contrasted in my preview screen. Awesome.

I think I set foot in that library...three times all year. It was actually depressing inside.

Sweetbriar has a BEAUTIFUL library, with this amazing huge reading room and a dome roof and shiz. There are things I'm not sure about with this whole transferring deal, but that is one that I'm very excited about.

I really miss my Baldwin friends.


We were trying to recreate some of our hill pictures from earlier in the year.

Oh hey Grace sneakin' into my picture.

I don't know what the hell that non-staff member was doing in the middle of campus but he was having this loud conversation for almost an hour until Clara started practicing her grass whistling. He left pretty quickly after that.

We liked to watch clouds and try to agree on one shape for each cloud. It got pretty heated sometimes.

Then Frances joined us, and at this point it was clear that she didn't really want to live with me anymore and she very much disapproved of Clara's...being Clara. So it was a little strange for her to sit down like hunky dory.

I really dig sun flare, as cheesy as it is.

Then we went to Split Banana, the best ice cream place in the WORLD. Actually they mostly make gelato, but it is so creamy and rich that it totally tastes like ice cream.

It's all decorated like a fifties diner, and they make their own waffle cones so it always smells like cake. I miss it.

Then, walking back during sunset, we stole this car and went on a grand adventure.



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