and i stumbled on this song

May 25, 2002 02:16

beth and i went to an event at the CAGE tonight... that is the Collective Artists Gallery and Exchange, not some scary sex club or something. we went to see phil's band stamp'd play and also some random band called dot. from lansing that i didn't think was very good at all. they were trying to be weezer, but failing miserably, in my opinion. beth thought they were ok.

but the real news is that i talked to this guy marc beaudin, who either works or volunteers there.. i'm not sure which, and it came to my attention that they need people to volunteer so that the place is open more often... i don't know why i didn't attempt to investigate this earlier in my life. i've always been intrigued by it, and by marc and his odd ways. he is very socialist? communist? i don't know which, but i think he's a very interesting person indeed. so beth and i gave our emails and hopefully we will be able to do that! YAY!

however i still have not found a job. i applied at two more shithole places today. and they all SUCK. but i want money so bad that i don't even think i care. and if i can volunteer at CAGE that sort of negates the horror that will be my job.. whatever i end up doing. so that is all for now i think... yay me! yay art...
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