Aug 20, 2008 20:17
Life flows on ever so nicely. Like everything there are blockages, but they are always overcome and joy, happiness and contentment flow that little bit stronger.
Work is a challenge, but I've been accepted as a permanent staff member, and though just a call desk job, I am quite good at what I do =) I enjoy my job, I enjoy the people I work with, and I enjoy my (vegetarian of course) pies on Friday.
My vegetarianism is a delight in my body. I wake up feeling so much better; I feel my body thanking me for cutting meat out of my diet, plus I want to be kinder to animals and the environment =) I still thank Kat to this day for her understanding and the initial trigger that started my vegetarianism, way way back. Now that I am back in Aus I can do it fully, and I am loving it 8) My parents were really cool with it, almost expecting it of me in a way. I suppose once you come out to your parents, little else shocks or surprises them. Plus, they're over that shock anyway...
Dreams as of late have been quite weird. I'm not quite sure of them, but they are becoming more vivid and clear, and more readable until quite late in the day, but of course my mind needs to be elsewhere during my job, so I forget them over the course of the day. Still, I thank the orgonite power balancer under my bed and my orgonite pendant. They have worked wonders :)
I think that's all for now. I was going to end this in a question, but yeah... can't think of any.