all things trashy

Aug 16, 2008 13:18

I was a bit of a grumplepuss this morning. Having a night of babysitting your housemate at a club while trying to pick up yourself is always a challenge, one I ultimately didn't juggle so well. I ended up bending into his will and going home early in a cab. *frown* But oh well, it was kinda fun anyway, I guess.

Bit of a quiet day, contemplating how money will be distributed around now that I am going permanent from next month. I will get paid weekly up until that point, but it's always the first initial hump that is hard to manage. I actually prefer getting paid monthly anyway, since that was how I got paid in Japan for the last 3 years, so it's no big thing, honestly. Some of my other coworkers shifting to permanent positions are kinda freaking out and not allocating funds so well, but I'm not so phased.

I'm positive about this year so far and know I have accomplished a lot I set out to do, but I have a long way to go yet. I'm glad it's like that though, since I like having goals on the horizon to work for, knowing that if I work just a little bit harder that I can really do it, achieve it, blitz it. I enjoy the challenge.

I will also enjoy getting up to see my little nephew Dean, my folks who never seem to answer my calls. They're all in moving mode, I suppose, so I shouldn't be so surprised, but I haven't spoken to them for quite a long while and would like to see how they're doing.

All in all, I'm slowly building up my spirituality after a few set backs, but I know I can bask in the light knowing that it will only ever go up from here, which comforts me greatly. It also helps that I meditate every day again after taking an unnecessary hiatus for a while, without a really good reason.

Oh well. I'm off to search for cheap laptops now. woot woot!
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