Apr 13, 2007 22:51
Pissed off last night about Spurs. Slept for ages.
Got email back from Southend drama - said to go along to one of their meetings (every Tues) to find out what they do etc. Said that I can come along to three meetings to decide if its what I want to do and then they charge you 40 quid for a year's membership and £1.50 a week (production costs). Seems pretty good to me - they sound really good. They do loads of social events and there's no pressure - you can audition for parts or work backstage so no-one's pressured into doing anything they don't want to do. It sounds great and I think I should go and meet them and see what its like. Could be really good for me considering by confidence problems.
Sorry if I've been a paranoid old git lately btw.