being "that guy"

Apr 13, 2008 21:11

i'm going to take a few minutes and indulge in some pointless emo/self reflection.

recently for the 3rd or 4th time in my history i've been put in the position of being the spokesperson of general thought. the guy who finally points to the emperor not wearing clothing and saying "he's naked!!!". of being the guy who finally has  to be the one who stands up and yells "shananigans" on people i love doing things that don't make sens or are hurting others i love.

i'm really getting tired of being "that guy".i HATE being "that guy".

i love and value all of my friendships dearly and it really hurts me to have to be the one who finally snaps, loses it and says what no one else seems to have the gumption to say. my problem with this is twofold.

1. even tho the other party needed the dressing down.. I come off feeling or looking like the asshole.. and that's not fair. i'm just the guy who FINALLY said what needs be said. it was as hard on me to say as it was on you to hear... believe me.
2:The people i talk to about this sort of thing always blame those around me as well.. like there's some guilt by association involved by being the friend or wife of "that guy". That's not really fair to the other friend,wife,associate and i wish that certain other people would stop with the "guilt by association" bullshit. the other parties may agree with what i have to say.. they may not.. you, at least, owe it to them to get THIER views before lumping them in or blocking them from facebook or whatever.

an i ever going to STOP being "that guy"??? probably not.. people are probably going to keep pissung me off and i'm probably going to only let it go to a certain point and then you WILL be called on it.. i would expect no less from MY friends for me.

am i going to feel bad about it and wish it could have gone down another way?? certainly.

the only defense i can really mister for this is that people who know me know i'm a very strongly opinionated man with a very low tolerance for bullshit or people who take thier friends for granted. i hate that shit. you have friends by gods's good graces.. if you mistreat them and get called on it.. that's not your friend's problem.. that's YOURS.

it is up to YOU to correct the issue.. if your friend hasn't called in a while.. call them.. if they don't call you back.. fuck it.. you tried.. balls in thier court. be there for em.. but any friend you have to chase after makes that a friendship under reconsideration. nothing works if you are the one doing all the heavy lifting.,

friendship is like a cake.. it can be fluffy and delicious and shared, can make a fantastic treat.. or it can always end with icing on your face and angel food down your pants.

so.. to quote foamy.. (and since i'm close to rambling) call your friends. don't take them for granted. down't write them off when they're pissed at you.. they may have a point.. and quit having to make me THAT GUY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

thank you
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