Mar 21, 2008 01:18
well, it finally happened yesterday dear readers.. i came home to find my subscription reduced to "poverty" levels for my star Choice satellite system... officially brining to a close my 6 year association with thier company and all it's ensuing benifits.
(for the record, this downgrade comes five months after i've left thier employ)
this has caused some refelction as this bookmarks a rather lengthy chapter in my life and times and has had it's good times and it's bad.
I was working the Stealth alarms call centre over winter when i first heard of the star choice job.. my girlfriend and future wife had turned me onto the interview and application for it. sensing my dislike for my current occupation she suggested i apply there in a job fiar they were having at the telus convention centre.
applications were done and appointments were set but it would be another 3 months before i'd hear any more from it as they had misplaced a large amount of applications in the move to thier new building.
i remember when Justin Hill called me to give me my one and only interview before hiring me for the job.. i'd just patched up a large rift between same future signifigant other and this was the capper to my evening. the interview went well and i was told to report into work April 01 2001... remember this date people???? remember what it's famous for?????
so.. i go on a weeks vacation to vernon b.c to visit friends and then come home and walk into a barely constructed building monday morning ready to make my mark.. i go upstairs as there was no security at the time to the tird floor... and there's NO ONE there... NADA.. no one at all.
i remembered what day this was at this point and, as i had quit my other jobs, thought that this was a very poorly timed aprils fools joke... until i read the note on annamekies desk and realized that this was all supposed to start on TUESDAY the 2ND!!!!. my name was also on this list as a student sooo, reassured, i found my way back home till the next day.
that was always one of the funniest stories i have about the place. made an impression right off.
in the six years that followed.. there was good times and bad times... people i'll remember forever.. (kelly breaker, kelly espheter,stevie glanville, mark ross, shawna degroot, tim debris, erin relecom,) people who have become good "outside of work" firends ( ranakanth, darlene bassant, dorothy grey) and those i'd rather leave to the mists of time (you know who you are)
i've also left my impressions at that place for the remainder of it's standing.. (i named the cafeteria and my participation in "starchoice idol" were the big things.) and i'm happy to have left people with a good impression. (or at least no one nailed me with stones on the way out) all things, times change and what was once a good fit one day fails to grow with you and you realize that it's time to leave it behind.. or thefit changes and even becomes uncomfortable.. which leads to the same conclusion.
i won't go into all that happened save that i had to make a choice for my values and family that star choice couldn't and wouldn't support me on and it was time to leave.. that leaving was less amicable then i'd have liked and i regret that deeply.. but had to be done.
i don't regret the time i spent there or the role that star choice had in my maturity with regards to employers and i certainly don't regret the people i met there.. they've all touched my life in positive ways.. and those that didn't.. well.. i learmed from them too.
and now the t.v has gone dark.. the show's over and it's time to go. i'll be signing onto shaw in the next little bit as they offer more of what i want and i can bundle my stuff better. (bring on the karaoke on demand!!!!!!!!)
i'll leave you with the quote i had on my resignation letter i never had the chance to send out.
"i believe that, when we leave a place, a part of ourselves is so ingrained in it that we leave that part behind.. take a walk to a quiet part of the station and listen and all of our past conversations and arguements will come back as tho they just occoured... but i will admit that the part of me that is leaving.. will very much miss the part of you thatis staying here" g-kar from babylon 5
or to quote the barenaked ladies.. "thanks, it was fun"